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"There will be no such thing." She smirked at me.

Hera adorned herself in a flowing gown of shimmering silver, radiating an air of sexual allure. With an olive complexion, lustrous light brown hair, and captivating azure eyes, she possessed an irresistible beauty.

It was no wonder Zeus found it difficult to resist her, despite his countless indiscretions. I stepped toward her as Apollo flexed his fists behind me. I held up a hand to him so he would stay put. I didn't want him fighting another relative over me.

"That won't be necessary, Apollo. Might I ask why, Queen of the Gods?" I sneered out her title.

"Their power may be undeniable, but let's not forget where they truly belong — right beneath everyone and everything, just like a lowly cockroach scurrying in the shadows." She stepped forward, getting so close that our noses were almost touching.

"Unless you're into cockroach kissing behind Zeus' back, I suggest you back off. I'd be happy to indulge your hidden desires, but I'm not sure you're quite ready to reveal that side of yourself just yet."

She gasped and backed up three steps as Apollo and Zeus snickered. She shrieked in embarrassment.

"I wasn't asking him, Hera. I was demanding he do it," I retorted. "Are you challenging the future ruler of the supernatural empire?"

The gods handpicked the rulers of the supernatural empire, who reigned over the supernatural realm. If a god killed a ruler, the fates would seek vengeance and kill the god in return.

Hera couldn't touch me if she wanted to. She sniffed me and her eyes glowed a bright blue, growing brighter as she fumed in anger.

"I refuse to abolish the slavery of the witches. The supernatural realm will fall apart."

Eris spoke through me, "Back in the early times, witches were cherished beside the angels until the gods convinced the supernaturals otherwise. Everything was fine until then."

Hera's demeanor faltered. She couldn't argue with anything said.

"I will ask again, Your Majesty. Are you challenging the future ruler of the supernatural empire?" I asked her.

Hera recomposed herself.

"Yes," she barked out, looking toward the palace entrance.

Standing at the top of the stairs was Sven. How had he gained access to Olympus? This bitch wasn't brave enough to fight me herself, but I couldn't say I was too surprised. Sven approached and stood next to Hera.

He gave me a smarmy smile. "Hello again, dear sister."

I took a deep breath. I knew I wasn't prepared to confront him in battle just yet. It felt unjust, like an uneven playing field.

"You're violating Olympian laws, Hera! Are you mad?" Zeus asked, astonished.

"Those same laws that we created, Zeus. We can abolish or keep whichever ones we please." Hera smirked.

Apollo grasped my hand. Hera was a salty, conniving bitch.

Hera menacingly walked up to me. "Defeat your brother without the use of her."

She pushed Apollo back, and he flew a few feet away. He roughly hit a column.

I tried to go after him, but I was frozen in place. Her hand went into my body and pulled Eris out of me. A searing pain soared through my body.

I fought hard against it, but Hera's powers were stronger than mine. Her powers were truly terrifying, and I had made a false judgment against her. She was more powerful than Zeus.

I fell backwards against someone who had teleported behind me. I looked up at Nyx, who was looking down at me sadly. She gently put me down and stood in front of me before Hera.

"Give me back my child, or I'll end your reign myself. I existed long before Olympus was even created, and I have no problem killing the queen." Nyx spat at her as dark magic emerged from her hands.

It manifested as a sickening purple and black orb, growing with each passing second. Hera swiftly handed over Eris' soul to Nyx.

Nyx addressed me as she cradled Eris' soul in her hands. "My dear, you must confront Sven on your own, but without Eris, your chances of survival are slim. If you emerge victorious, I can reunite your souls once more."

It was clear that Nyx couldn't overstep her bounds and forcefully merge Eris back into me, for that would go against the principles of Olympus.

"How much time do I have to live?"

"Three months from now, on the day of the solar eclipse."

She vanished before my eyes, dissipating into a swirling trail of ominous black smoke. As the last remnants of her presence faded away, a sense of loss and vulnerability washed over me.

Hera's smug expression bore into my soul, a silent taunt that pierced through my diminishing confidence. Sven, with his menacing gaze fixed upon me, seemed to grow in stature, his presence overpowering.

"Bide your time, sister," Sven called out to me. His wings popped out from his back, and he flew away.

"If you manage to defeat Prince Sven, I will personally abolish slavery. If not, prepare to suffer the consequences in the Underworld knowing you brought about the demise of the witches." Hera smirked at me.

She walked up the stairs and called for Zeus. Zeus looked at me pitifully before following Hera into the palace. I rushed over to Apollo.

He was unconscious, with a bleeding forehead, but still breathing. I healed his cut with a wave of my hand. Apollo stirred, sat up, and reached out to me; concern etched on his face.

"Fuck. What happened? Are you okay?"

I shook my head as a tear left my eye.

"So much happened. I lost Eris."

He hugged me and spoke into my hair.

"It's okay, Aggie. You're powerful enough on your own."

I pulled back and wiped away my tears. "Eris' soul is the only reason I'm alive. Nyx said I had three months left to live unless I can defeat Sven."

He growled and shifted positions to try to stand. "I should've ended Nyx when I had the chance."

I pushed him back and smiled softly.

"It's not Nyx's fault. Hera pulled Eris out of me and demanded that I defeat Sven without her."

"So, what are you planning on doing?"

I offered my hand to him and pulled him up. He was still pretty heavy, so I heaved while doing it. I was so out of shape.

"Training. Not just physically with Ares, though. I need Hecate to enhance my magic skills. However, I'm not sure where to turn for guidance with my fairy and angel sides."

"I can assist you with your angel side. However, for your fairy side, you'll need to personally visit the fairies in the supernatural realm."

"I've never been to the supernatural realm."

"To have the best chance of defeating Sven,it is crucial for you to master all your forms. For now, we can go toAres."

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