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"Why are you behind these bars, Titania? Where's Oberon?" I inquired, my voice tinged with concern, as I faced the caged fairy queen.

Erebus held me firmly, leading us to the other side of the cell. Titania quickly turned her body to meet our gaze, her desperate eyes reaching out for me.

Erebus shook his head, his expression grave. "Oberon abandoned her because she had become too dangerous. Look at her, Aggie. This is the consequence of succumbing to the darkness of shadow magic and losing balance. She's now imprisoned, like a caged animal."

Poppy sounded uncomfortable. "It hurts to see my kind like this. Shadow magic is so destructive."

Erebus clicked his teeth in disapproval. "No, dearest. Shadow magic is solely dependent on the person and their intentions when using it. If you're using it for good, it will not warp your magic. If you use it with bad intentions, your magic will flip, and it will be your demise. Dark magic comes at a cost."

Titania emitted a fierce growl, her eyes fixed on me as she strained against her chains. But the restraints held her back, preventing her from reaching me. In a chilling and dreadful outburst, she let out a piercing and harrowing screech.

"Make her stop. It hurts." Remiel whimpered.

I walked closer to Titania, now cowering in a corner. Even though her screams were loud and torturous, it was only because she was in tremendous pain.

I could tell she wanted nothing more than to be free of the darkness that tormented her mind. I put my hand on her shoulder and absorbed all the dark magic from her.

Erebus realized my intention but was too late to stop me. "Dear child. What have you done?"

"I set her free." I smiled.

Titania fell to the ground but was smiling. She truly seemed to be at peace. On the other hand, I didn't feel much different. I felt fine.

Erebus smiled at me. "Ah, now it all makes sense. I'm truly glad I didn't try to stop you."

Curious, I asked, "What prompted this change of heart?"

Erebus paused for a moment, then replied, "It dawned on me that if you hadn't intervened, it could have jeopardized Poppy's existence. I hadn't fully realized the extent of your involvement in all of this."

I offered a hesitant smile. "I think I'm starting to grasp this whole shadow magic thing."

I removed the cape, the sound of the guards' armor echoing down the stairs as they approached Titania's cage. To my surprise, she no longer emanated an aura of darkness.

Her hair had transformed from matted darkness to a smooth, light brown, adorned with a delicate flower crown. The tattered beige dress she wore had been replaced by a magnificent gown, flowing with layers of silk in shades of soft baby pink, resembling the petals of a blooming flower.

As the guards positioned themselves near the front of the cage, I tapped into the power of shadow magic, concealing myself within the confines of the cage. Erebus stood motionless, his eyes fixed on the unfolding scene, fully aware of the impending events.

One of the guards called out to the others. "I think Queen Titania is healed! Alert the empress."

Erebus' smile brightened as he took hold of my hand. As he gracefully floated over to me, the guard's eyes caught his movement. Sensing the need for caution, I emerged from the shadows, placing a gentle finger over my lips.

Understanding the signal, the guard nodded vigorously. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself back in Erebus' room.

Erebus looked over at Apollo. "Take care of her, Apollo. I believe she will do wonderful things as the next empress of the supernatural kingdom."

Apollo smiled. "I would do anything for Agatha. That's why I've stayed with her since our school library encounter."

Amphid giggled. "Apollo? Meeting someone in a library? I never imagined you could find someone to settle down with in a place out of your element."

"Hah. Very funny, Amphid. At least I didn't come out of the bushes and lead her to a past lover."

Amphid gasped and the two started bickering. Erebus offered a hand to pick me up off the ground.

"Agatha, though you are not Poppy, you're as sweet and caring as she was. I don't want this to be the last time I see you. Use your new skills and knowledge in battle. I don't want to lose you again, even if I'm not with you."

Poppy swooned in my head. "He's still just as sweet. Give him a hug for me, Aggie. Please?"

I gave a light chuckle. "Poppy said I should give you a hug."

Erebus opened his arms wide, and I hugged him around his waist.

"Go out there and make me proud. I'll be there for your battle."

Apollo scoffed. "You're actually coming out of this cave? You must really love Poppy."

Erebus rolled his eyes at him. "That's the point. Agatha is still Poppy. Therefore, I love her too. Take care of her because I'll be there when you mess it up, man whore."

Apollo puffed up his chest and went into his god form. "You want a piece of me, old man? She's no longer Poppiana, and you have a wife."

"Nyx and I were polyamorous with Poppy. You, however, have been with every single creature with two legs and a hole. Need I say more?"

I interposed myself between the two. "Alright. I've heard enough. Erebus, please help us leave. I'll owe you a favor, but nothing inappropriate."

Erebus nodded slowly at me. "I'll take that offer, dear. I will definitely redeem it soon."

Erebus formed a portal. I wasn't sure where it led, but as long as it was outside of the cave, it was fine with me.

"Go first, Amphid."

Amphid nodded at me and flew through the portal first. I twitched my head at Apollo, and he reluctantly went through the portal after her.

"Thank you for everything, Erebus," I said gratefully.

"You've truly captured my attention today. I apologize for going too far with the test. I've heard so many great things about you." Erebus apologized.

"From whom?"

"The fates. I also heard the supernatural realm would fall into chaos if you weren't crowned. The only person they can't determine who lives or dies is you."

"I thought fates controlled who lives, who dies, and by what means."

"You're a special case. Remember?"

I smiled as the portal started to shrink. Erebus nodded at it.

I stood straighter. "I'll see you at the fight, Erebus."

"See you, Agatha."

I stepped through the portal to the beach below the cliff we jumped off earlier.

Poppy and Remiel went dormant as Isidore yawned and asked, "What did I miss?"

Meeting AggieWhere stories live. Discover now