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"Wait, you can talk?" Apollo asked, surprised.

Charon's bony figure straightened, and he shot Apollo a withering look.

"Oh, I can speak, alright. Just not to you."

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at Apollo's wide-eyed and bewildered expression as the boat glided down the river.

"How much longer is it to Hades' castle?" I asked as it grew quiet.

"About five minutes." Charon replied, his voice carrying a tone of detached matter-of-factness.

Apollo was still in awe. He'd evidently never heard Charon speak before.

"You're telling me that you've purposefully ignored me every time I've taken this ferry and willingly stayed quiet?"


"But why?"

"Because you've never bothered to pay for any of your boat trips! In order to stay in good graces with Hades, I've let it slide all this time." Charon's anger subsided as he regained his composure.

I shot Apollo a pointed glance. It was clear that his behavior was nothing short of selfish. Charon had a business to run, and offering free boat trips would certainly put a damper on anyone's mood.

"I apologize on behalf of Apollo, Charon. We'll find another way back."

"No need to apologize for the spoilt sun baby. If he's with you, you can ride anytime free of charge. I like your aura," Charon said, his skeletal grin widening as he turned his attention to me.

I returned the smile, enjoying Apollo's flabbergasted expression.

"Why does everyone keep calling me a spoiled sun baby?" He grumbled under his breath, crossing his arms.

Charon's eye sockets twinkled at me curiously. "Anyone ever tell you that you look just like Empress Iridessa?"

"Not really, since I live in the human realm. I do happen to be related to her."

I didn't see any harm in confirming my existence with Charon. He didn't seem like the type to care about supernatural and godly affairs.

"Ah, the 'stillborn' Agatha Youngblood. I was wondering why I never saw your soul when your name was on my list." Charon moved the pole in the water as the boat crossed the river current. "Part of me was hoping you were still alive and not lost here. I thought your death was wasted potential."

"What do you mean by wasted potential?"

"Your untapped form."

"My what?"

"Your g—" Charon was cut off by the boat hitting the dock.

I looked at him to continue, but he hummed softly.

"I'll see you soon, dear girl," Charon said, bowing his head at me.

"Thank you, Charon. I owe you," Apollo said, hopping out of the ferry.

Charon helped me out of the boat and gave me a souvenir. It was a shiny gold coin with Hades' face on it. I smiled at him and slipped it into my pocket.

"Yes, you do. Big time," he answered Apollo as the ferry moved away. "Ring the bell for me, and I'll come back."

Charon faded into the distance, his boat gliding down the ethereal stream.

"Go ahead. Lead the way," I said, playfully nudging Apollo.

"You're so adorable. Let's go," he replied, intertwining our fingers.

We walked down the boardwalk and approached the castle. It was mossy, green, and humongous. If I had grown up in my mother's castle, this would've been a normal size for me.

Compared to the apartment I lived in, it was several magnitudes bigger. We approached the doorway. The door had a giant brass knocker of a bull with a nose hoop. I hadn't seen one like that in ages.

"He's a classy guy," Apollo shrugged, lifting the knocker.

He let it go twice, and the noise rang loudly throughout the castle. In a few moments, the heavy door creaked open, revealing a man with a salt-and-pepper beard.

"Nephew!" Hades' voice boomed, reaching Apollo's ears.

"Uncle Hades!"

Apollo's face lit up with joy as he called back, crossing the distance between them in a heartbeat.

It was refreshing to witness two grown men embracing each other, a stark contrast to the societal norms and stereotypes often found in the human realm.

"Ah, another one of your romantic escapades, bringing them to meet me," Hades remarked, his disapproval evident as he glanced at me. "Hello, number one thousand eighty, I presume?"

"Should we play a prank on him?" I telepathically suggested to Apollo, mischief twinkling in my eyes.

"Prank him? Count me in," Apollo replied with a mischievous grin.

I locked eyes with Hades, mustering a pained expression and forcing tears to well up. My eyes turned a shade of blue, enhancing the illusion. A single tear trickled down my cheek, which I swiftly wiped away.

To enhance the dramatic performance, I let a torrent of tears cascade down my face, feigning intense grief.

"Wait, no. Don't cry, cuteness. I apologize. It was just a joke, albeit a terrible one." Hades quickly backtracked, feeling remorseful.

Apollo pulled me into a tight hug as I continued my faux wailing, making exaggerated sobbing noises.

"Nice going, uncle." Apollo whispered-yelled at Hades, showering me with adoring cooing sounds and gentle kisses atop my head.

I glanced over at Hades, and to my surprise, he wore a genuinely sorrowful expression. Taking the opportunity, I stuck my tongue out at him, and his smirk revealed that he understood the prank we had pulled.

It was a rarity for Apollo to bring someone to the Underworld to meet his uncle, and I relished in the satisfaction of catching Hades off guard.

Apollo and I released each other from the embrace and exchanged a victorious high-five, celebrating our successful jest.

"I like her. She's definitely your type." Hades chuckled and nodded in approval.

"Well, don't just linger out there, lovebirds. Come inside." Hades remarked, playfully pulling us into his grand castle.

The interior of the castle enveloped me in its opulent darkness, with shades of rich green and black dominating the space.

Above, a magnificent chandelier swayed gently, its ethereal glow emanating from the vibrant flames that danced with an otherworldly green hue.

A grand staircase beckoned upward, while a stylish living room to our right mirrored the color scheme. Hades, the lord of the Underworld, gestured toward the couch and encouraged us to take a seat.

"Nyx!" Hades called out, his voice resonating through the air.

In a mesmerizing display of power, a woman materialized before us. Her milk chocolate afro hair and skin, along with her captivating deep purple eyes, added to her captivating presence.

The sheer weight of her existence sent shivers down my spine, for she was one of the oldest goddesses in history.

"Yes, my lord?" Nyx bowed respectfully toward Hades.

"Please get our guests some ambrosia and nectar."

"Right away," Nyx replied, vanishing into a swirl of black smoke.

I couldn't help but feel curiosity stir within me, wondering why a goddess of such magnitude served under Hades. Yet, I dared not voice my thoughts aloud.

Instead, I watched as Nyx carried out Hades' command, her enigmatic aura still lingering in the room.

"Not that I mind, but what brings you twohere?" Hades inquired, his hands clasping together inquisitively.

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