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"Since when?" I asked.

Emerald shrugged and nodded for us to follow her. "We're not sure ourselves. We just woke up one day and everything was in chaos."

Margarita nudged my shoulder with hers. "Princess Agatha, it's not your fault. From what we understand, only the royals and the fairies are aware of your existence. The rest of the realm still regards your existence as a mere rumor."

I sighed. "It's only a matter of time before they start believing the rumors."

Emerald stared at me then shifted her gaze away rapidly. "I don't blame you at all for what's happening. Since Empress Iridessa can't crown one of her legitimate kids, the supernatural realm is in shambles over her dying. Hopefully, they don't notice before you're fully trained and ready. I see your fairy abilities, but I can barely hear from that form."

"Her name is Poppy. I can use some of her abilities, but I can't unlock all of them yet." I sighed then smiled softly.

Apollo rubbed my shoulder and kissed my temple. "Well, that's what we're here for. To train you with the help of Iris."

Margarita and Emerald exchanged glances, sharing a mischievous smirk that raised my suspicion. I narrowed my eyes at them, a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

Margarita responded with an indifferent shrug, as if attempting to downplay any hidden intentions. Meanwhile, Emerald diverted her attention, feigning innocence by looking around and engaging in a fake whistle.

Internally, I fumed with a mix of frustration and curiosity, but I maintained my composure. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to their interaction.

With a composed demeanor, I addressed them, my voice laced with a subtle hint of skepticism, "Is there something we should know, ladies?"

Margarita's response was cut short as Emerald jabbed her elbow into her stomach, leaving her gasping and momentarily off balance. In an instant, the twin fairies engaged in a scuffle, their actions filled with animated gestures.

Acting swiftly, Apollo positioned himself between them, placing his hands on their shoulders to keep them from escalating the situation physically.

Emerald called over Apollo's arm. "Don't say anything! We were under explicit instructions not to!"

Margarita bopped Emerald in the face, but it barely affected her. "You realize we're attending the future queen of the supernatural empire, right? She could wipe out the entire fairy species once all her forms are unlocked if we don't tell her."

I grew angry at their words. I wasn't in the mood, nor did I have time to waste. My eyes turned red, and my body shook with fury. The twins noticed and looked terrified.

I longed to see what they had witnessed. Apollo released the twins and hurried to my side, gripping my shoulders tightly and shaking me with urgency.

"Aggie, it's alright. We can find another way for you to get help."

I growled lowly at him. "Move."

Isidore and Remiel's forms surfaced. They were waiting to be let out like caged animals. I'd been angry before but never to this extent.

I didn't bother to calm myself. There was no point. There was a war on, and these two were pissing me off. My hand rose and both forms took over at once.

The fairies around us scattered in fear, an unintended consequence of my actions. Despite my initial intentions, I had to accept the current situation. It was a game where three participants were engaged, yet only one would emerge victorious.

In my hand, a colossal red orb materialized, growing rapidly in size. Margarita and Emerald sought solace in each other's embrace while I prepared to unleash the orb.

With closed eyes and expressions of love, the twins braced themselves for the impending impact. However, the anticipated collision never occurred.

A fairy of regal stature, adorned with a crown atop her head, possessed a caramel complexion and sleek black hair. She intercepted the orb just moments before it struck the twins. Her concerned gaze, framed by light brown eyes, fixed upon me as she halted the orb's progression.

"What makes you think you can attack my children?" she sneered.

Sporting a triumphant smile, I forced the orb to make an impact. Despite not tapping into all my forms, it was evident that the queen of the fairies stood no chance against the princess of the supernaturals.

As the orb connected, its power unleashed a dazzling spectacle of glitter, enveloping the fairies in a harmless display of shimmering particles. The orb had done its job, leaving all three of them unscathed but undoubtedly taken aback.

Apollo stared and said nothing. He didn't attempt to stop me, knowing I wouldn't have hurt them, but he did look terrified of what he thought I was about to do.

I spoke up as the three calmed down. "I had no intention of hurting anyone. However, I don't appreciate your fairies leading me to Styx knows where and no one can tell me where Iris is."

The fairy queen spoke up. "That's because I am Iris. I asked them not to bring you to me but instead to take you to my first commander. She's my top ranked."

"I didn't come all the way from the Underworld for you to shrug me off and have whoever you feel like train me."

Iris gave one nod. "I understand completely, but you must understand that I simply don't have the time to train you."

Apollo spoke up, frustrated. "Why Iris? Because I slept with your sister and left? Get over it. This is more than just some petty situation now. It's bigger than that. If Agatha dies, all the dark species will follow in line. Don't stand there and say you don't care."

Iris remained silent. Beneath her calm exterior, a seething anger simmered, disguising the deep-seated grudge she held. It stemmed from the betrayal she felt when Apollo abruptly stopped visiting after his affair with her younger sister, Princess Celeste, after the latter's coronation.

Apollo had deceived Iris, falsely claiming his desire to be with her sister, leaving the younger princess heartbroken for an extended period.

As I looked into Iris' eyes, I saw tears welling up, reflecting the depth of her emotions. She cared deeply for Apollo, and I could feel her intense love reverberating within me.

That night when he left, he shattered not only Celeste's heart but Iris' as well. It was a poignant sight to witness, the remnants of a broken bond between two souls.

"I'm sorry," Apollo said sincerely as tears streamed down Iris' face.

"How could you? She loved you! I loved you!" Iris wailed.

Tears streamed down her face, and Apollo tenderly embraced her. I couldn't deny that a twinge of unease flickered within me as I witnessed him hold another woman, but deep down, I felt relieved that the Apollo I had come to know wasn't the one causing her pain. In truth, I empathized with her and understood her reaction all too well.

"I'm so sorry, Iris. If I could, I would love to apologize to your sister as well. I'm not the same person I was back then, and I hope both of you can forgive me."

"I forgive you, but she will never be able to." She wiped her eyes.

Apollo's face dropped slightly but he kept his cool.

"Why is that?"

"Princess Celeste died three years ago. That's why."

Meeting AggieWhere stories live. Discover now