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The moment I crossed the threshold into the room, an unsettling sensation of instability washed over me. Hecate's designated space resembled more of a miniature swamp than a conventional room.

Raggedy trees, adorned with hanging lichen, seemed to drip with an eerie ambiance. Squishy mud covered the ground, making each step a precarious venture, while moss sprawled haphazardly in every direction.

Unease prickled my senses as I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. It was as if pairs of eyes lurked amidst the dense foliage, peering at me from the concealed depths.

In the distance, a mossy treehouse stood, emanating a gentle golden glow, beckoning me with its enchanting allure.

"Greetings, Agatha." A woman called from beyond the trees.

I scanned the swamp and saw a woman near a wilted tree. She was ivory skinned with burgundy hair and green eyes. Her hand hovered over the tree, and it sprang back to life.

She came out of hiding and stood next to the tree. She motioned me forward with one hand. I cautiously stepped across the mossy ground to her. As soon as I got within her reach, she hugged me.

"Welcome home, daughter of dark. I knew you were worthy," she whispered into my ear.

My eyes watered. Although my father had done an outstanding job raising me and helping me with honing my magic, our relationship lacked affection.

I knew he loved and cared about me, but he never told me so directly or gave me hugs or kisses. Hecate bestowed upon me at our first meeting what he hadn't in ten years.

"Can I really be considered your daughter if I have light species in me?"

"Every supernatural, whether light or dark, is welcome here. However, this was the true birthplace of the dark species, just like Olympus was for the light species before the creation of the supernatural realm."

"I'm here to humbly ask for your assistance, Hecate. I want to become stronger than my half-brother, Sven Asmodeus. In order to do that, I need a null enchantment potion to train with Ares on Olympus."

"I hear your request child, but my answer is no."

I stared at her in sheer disbelief. Before I could utter a word, she swiftly raised her hand, gesturing for me to stay silent.

"You're not simply avoiding your true self, but also neglecting your inherent power. The gods harbor a deep fear of my children, the witches. They dread the possibility of being overthrown by them. Confront them as an equal, embrace your abilities."

"I can't do that."

"Can't or won't, child? There's a distinct difference between the two."

"I'm sorry, but I won't. I'm just not ready. I need the null enchantment potion, Hecate. Please."

She rolled her eyes and reached into the pocket of her dark blue robe. She put the potion bottle in my palm but didn't let it go.

"Sometimes the solution we seek might not always give us the result we want. You'll come to realize it soon." She then released the potion into my hand.

I wrapped my hand around the bottle and put it in my pocket. I nodded at her.

"Please heed my words, Agatha. Your destiny lies in no one's hands but your own." Hecate vanished in green smoke.

Usually, I'm impressed by how everyone teleports in the Underworld because it leaves smoke behind. Considering the fact that Hecate never leaves her room, she merely teleported behind the tree again. I waved bye to the tree she was at earlier, and Hecate peeked at me, waving goodbye.

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