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Iris led us to her palace. After Apollo apologized for his wrongs and the passing of her sister, she changed her mind and decided to train me herself.

Emerald and Margarita were glaring holes into the back of my head. Even though I understood their anger, I was more sensitive to staring than most.

"Cut it out!" I barked at them. "Be mad all you guys want but look elsewhere. If I feel you staring in the slightest, I'll teleport both of you to the human realm."

Their eyes widened in shock, but they proceeded to look in every direction but at me. It felt good to feel so powerful, but it would've been even nicer to feel like that against Sven.

I didn't understand why my thoughts drastically went from terrified to overpowering. I'd been feeling this way since my angel side was unlocked.

Remiel cleared her throat. "You're right. I'm the cause of it. I'm not trying to make you cocky, but your pushover, sad-bitch attitude will get all of us killed. My powers are limitless, and they will be even more once you fully unlock Poppy."

I internally rolled my eyes. "If angels are so limitless, why are they limited toward each other?"

"Limitless is a loose term. There are limits for others. Other supernatural creatures have magical or physical limitations."

I shook my head. "What are my chances of defeating Sven right now?"

Remiel stayed quiet. I wasn't sure what she knew, but it didn't sound like something I wanted to hear. In fact, I felt discouraged for attempting to ask in the first place.

I begged her for an answer. "Remiel, please. What are my chances of defeating Sven?"

Remiel sighed in defeat. "With Eris and all of us unlocked, your chances to defeat Sven would be well over ninety percent."

"Stop dodging my question, Remiel. What are my chances?"

I dreaded her answer, but I needed to know. I had to know what my fighting chances were, or I would just call this whole thing off and accept defeat. Accept death.

"Fifty percent, if you can use your forms together."

That was a huge drop. Eris had made all the difference. That also explained why Hera took her from me. I caught Apollo staring at me.

He gave me a toothy smile, though he felt the same way I did—defeated. However, I wasn't the same closed-minded and weak individual I was before.

Angels were superior to other species but had a power gradient among themselves that could be exploited. As our group reached the grand palace, Iris gracefully pivoted on her heels to address us.

She nodded her head at Emerald and Margarita. "You two are free to go now."

Emerald nodded and bowed but Margarita glared at us. She was clearly mad about the glitter that remained on their clothes.

"Are you sure, Your Highness?" Margarita growled lowly.

"You can go." Iris smiled and nodded, dismissing them both.

Margarita bowed only her head at Iris. She lingered for a few seconds but got dragged away by Emerald, who furiously apologized on behalf of her sister.

Iris walked up to the palace entrance. Two guards stood on opposite sides of the door and bowed as she walked up.

They both slammed their spears on the ground in unison before chanting, "Welcome, Queen Iris."

They opened the doors for us to walk through, and we continued following her. I admired the splendid beauty of her palace. It wasn't as big and never-ending as Hades was, and it held more of a light aura.

Flowers and fairies were everywhere. The palace's interior was lilac and baby blue with whitish gold vines wrapping around every door and window.

Iris smiled at me when she saw how my face lit up. I smiled back at her but noticed the stares of the fairies in the halls. Some of the fairies were displeased with my aura, some were awed, and others... scared.

Regardless, I understood all their feelings. I regretted how harsh I had been on Emerald and Margarita. If I saw them again, I would have to apologize.

I glanced over at Apollo. Though he had been quiet, he spent his time admiring the place he once visited in the distant past.

As we walked through the halls, he traced his fingers over every vine they could reach. It was cute to see him do something so innocent. It felt different and comforting.

Apollo's eyes met mine. "What?"

I shook my head and smiled at him. "Thank you."

He gave me a toothy grin before giving me a smart response. "How many times are you going to thank me? I'm here because I love and care about you. You knowing that is enough for me."

I blushed as Iris looked back at us. She was still upset about the failed relationship between the three of them, but she seemed truly happy that he had found someone who he genuinely loved and cared about. My heart still ached for her.

"I'm sorry for your loss," I called out to Iris.

"It's neither your fault nor his. After Apollo left, Celeste was depressed for a year and some months. Love sought her out in the end, though—a peasant named Riven. Our parents didn't approve, of course, but their relationship made me overjoyed for her. She glowed beautifully." She softly sighed and gave a small smile.

My eyes brightened listening to Iris speak so kindly about her sister. I wish I could've had that relationship with my half siblings the way she did with hers.

My mother ripped that away from me and pitted my brother and I against each other by sending me away rather than raising us together. I despised her.

"I think your sister would appreciate the kind words you speak about her. You're an amazing older sister," Apollo said.

She shook her head. "Yeah, uh. I just wish she felt the same for me. She was seven months pregnant when she died. So, there's that."

Apollo and I exchanged stunned glances as our mindsraced with unanswered questions. 

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