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"After you've finished digesting your meal, we can proceed with your first lesson. But before we dive in, Aggie, do you have any lingering questions?"

"Actually, there are a couple of things I'm curious about. Why couldn't I use my witch form for these tests? Isn't it a form of magic that is more open-ended?"

Iris shook her head. "There's no such thing as open-ended magic."

I furrowed my brow, feeling a sense of confusion. "I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean by that."

"First rule—all magic is pulled from somewhere. Whether it be limited or unlimited. Unless you are a god, it comes from somewhere. Angels get their magic from their wings, while fairies get their magic from the environment, and so forth."

A belief lingered in my head. "So where exactly do witches get their magic from? I'm one of the few who don't need to use incantations. Why is that?"

Iris glanced at Apollo, silently urging him to respond. Apollo turned his gaze toward me, acknowledging the unspoken request.

"Witches get their magic from the moon. Incantations ensure that witches use the least amount of energy possible."

"I never knew that." I sighed.

"You never had to deal with such matters. Your magic was firmly bound to Eris," Apollo clarified, his tone carrying a touch of empathy. "You are fortunate not to possess fresh forms, as they are not meant to communicate with or influence you. Instead, within you reside supernatural entities who once held supreme power in the supernatural realm."

"It's true," Remiel boasted, "I was a top general in the angel army."

Isidore chimed in, "And I was the leader of the first coven of witches."

Poppy giggled and added, "Well, we all know I was a queen, so enough said."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Poppy's comment, but I understood the reasoning behind Apollo and Iris' words. It shed light on why my witch magic would weaken during periods when there was no full moon recently.

"Does that mean I won't be able to tap into Isidore when the time comes for me to use all my forms?" I asked.

Iris shook her head, signaling a negative response.

I pondered for a moment before asking, "What does that mean for me then?"

"You have the option to utilize Isidore's magic at any time. However, it's important to note that casting spells without incantations during the day can significantly deplete your magical energy."

"Lucky for you, the day you fight your brother will be the day of the solar eclipse. The presence of both the sun and the moon during the eclipse will ensure that your magical abilities remain strong and unwavering," Apollo chimed in.

I raised an eyebrow. "No offense, but 'somewhat' doesn't exactly scream 'full confidence.'"

Apollo chuckled and shrugged. "Hey, I'm doing my best to make you feel better."

I fixed my gaze on him. "Well, that's somewhat reassuring."

Apollo admitted, "Okay, fair enough. I'll work on my encouragement skills more, Aggie."

I looked down at my empty plate and groaned. "I really do hate it here."

After delving into the multitude of questions that had filled my mind, I finally felt prepared to embark on my journey into the realm of fairy magic.

Iris and I dedicated our time to the captivating allure of the mesmerizing royal garden, fully engrossed in its enchanting atmosphere. As days turned into fleeting moments, palace servants gradually warmed up to me, providing invaluable aid whenever I faced challenges in honing my abilities.

In addition to my magical training, Iris emphasized the significance of having a familiar. These knowledgeable creatures were trusted companions often found alongside fairies who possessed elemental magic.

Marvin occasionally made his presence known, offering tidbits of advice. However, our limited acquaintance meant his guidance only scratched the surface of what I truly needed.

Meanwhile, Apollo chose to spend his time slumbering amidst the blossoms of the garden, patiently awaiting my progress. Every now and then, he would interject with an opinion or two, but he deferred to Iris as the primary instructor.

As I conjured an apple tree before us, Iris beamed with approval. I plucked a ripe apple from the branches and extended it to her, a small gesture of gratitude and accomplishment.

A single tear strolled down Iris' face, and her eyes shimmered with a light blue hue. "I think you're ready now to learn the rest of your abilities with Celeste."

My smile wavered. "Was I a bad student? I'm sorry, I know I can be annoying and ask too many questions—"

"No! Not at all! You were splendid. It's just... time flew by so fast. You've grown tremendously in your fairy abilities. You're so close."

"I'm nearly there because of you. Thank you, Iris." I expressed my gratitude, a sense of accomplishment filling my voice.

She smiled and let out a giggle, wiping away her tears. "Alright then, Princess Aggie. Before I entrust you to my younger sister, show me what you've learned."

With a beaming smile, I nodded in response. Iris had done an exceptional job teaching me the intricacies of earth, air, and fire magic.

I was determined to make her proud. Channeling my powers, I caused the apple tree to grow larger, its branches gracefully curving.

Levitating into the sky, I wielded air magic, sending fallen leaves to swirl and dance through the air. Lowering my hands, I gracefully waved them in a circular motion, forming a small tornado of leaves.

Iris nodded approvingly, patiently awaiting my next display of magic. However, I noticed that some of the leaves floating in the air were withered and nearing the end of their life cycle.

In their gentle whispers, they requested release from their suffering. Though it saddened me, I obliged their plea. Summoning my fire magic, I exhaled a breath of fire, engulfing the leaves in a cleansing blaze.

As they turned into ashes, the rustling echoes murmured their gratitude before fading away. I descended back to the ground with utmost care, hearing the slow claps from Iris.

The maids who had been observing nearby joined in the applause before returning to their duties.

"Nice little fire trick, Princess. That wasn't one of my teachings, but impressive nonetheless," Iris commended, acknowledging my prowess.

With a wave of my hand, I dispelled the apple tree, watching as it vanished from sight. My witch abilities would not be easily overshadowed.

Each aspect of my magical prowess intertwined harmoniously. I smiled warmly at Iris, a silent affirmation of our shared accomplishment.

"I did so well because I had a great instructor the whole way through. Thank you, Queen Iris."

"Anything for the future queen of the supernatural empire. The fate of all the kingdoms rests in your hands. Once the witches are freed of their stigma, the fairies will be the first to welcome them into the kingdom with open arms."

I smiled but the negative thoughts lingered. I didn't want to fail, but even at full power, there was a fifty percent chance I could.

"I appreciate your kind words, Iris. I'll hold you to that."

Meeting AggieWhere stories live. Discover now