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I clasped my hands. "Now that we're on the same page, I need to finish training. Erebus, I apologize in advance, but please get your shit together and help me. Poppy resides in me, but this is my body, and I'm the main soul controlling it."

Erebus dried the tears from his face with the back of his hand. "It's hard. Poppy was the only woman in my life who I loved the same as Nyx."

"He snuck into the fairy army and pretended to be a warrior for years. It took him forever to admit he was the god Erebus. He didn't even look like that when we met." Poppy scoffed.

As I was poised to reply, Isidore slipped into dormancy, and Remiel and Poppy surged forth with renewed vigor. The presence of sunlight seemed to be the catalyst for this shift.

The flickering transition of power among my forms felt peculiar, an unsettling blend of strength and vulnerability. Adapting to these fluctuations would require time and adjustment.

"I'm sorry, Izzy," I apologized.

Isidore sighed deeply. "As long as I don't falter like that in battle, I'll be fine."

With that, Isidore entered a dormant state to recover her magic. I looked at Apollo, and my feelings for him were enhanced. I could smell him from five feet away. He smelled like vanilla and happiness. I shook my head at the thoughts that threatened my purity.

Amphid floated to Erebus and slapped him. Apollo and I gasped, though he likely didn't feel a smidge of it. If Erebus really wanted to, he could erase Amphid's existence. Widening her eyes, she hid behind Apollo.

Erebus sighed. "It's fine, Amphid. You were just helping your master."

Amphid yelled from behind Apollo, "And you're not helping your supposed lover! I don't pity you at all, god or not. We're wasting so much time with you. We've been here a day already."

Apollo gently stroked Amphid's head, and she nuzzled against his touch. Their interaction was heartwarming, yet her reminder jolted me back to the urgency of the situation.

Time was slipping away, and I couldn't afford any further delays. I stepped forward and extended my hand toward Erebus, ready to grasp his hand in mine.

"Is there truly nothing else you can show me?" I implored.

Erebus gave me a half-smile and exhaled. "Actually, there is. I want you to be able to at least utilize shadow magic. Can you trust me again?"

Apollo let out a cough, his tone filled with skepticism. "None of us have faith in him anymore, but go ahead, Aggie, extract whatever knowledge you can from this charlatan."

I furrowed my brow in response, but Erebus intervened, shaking his head.

"Don't worry. I've given up on pursuing you romantically. All I want is to assist you before you depart. Trust me," he reassured, his voice sincere.

"You can trust him. I believe he won't do anything." Poppy beamed at him.

Remiel agreed with her. "Doesn't hurt to learn a few tricks. What's the harm in it?"

I nodded and gave Erebus my other hand when he reached for it.

"I gave you the knowledge of shadow magic, but we're going back in my memories so I can show you why it's an amazing magic ability. I promise no tricks. Are you ready?" Erebus asked, awaiting my response.

"Ready," I affirmed, meeting his gaze with determination.

I closed my eyes, allowing myself to be enveloped by the memories, and when I opened them again, we stood within the realm of Erebus' past.

Instantly, I recognized the grandeur of the largest castle in the supernatural kingdom, belonging to the empress and emperor. Though the exact year eluded me, it was undoubtedly from generations past.

Erebus turned his gaze toward me, observing my captivated expression as I surveyed the kingdom before us. He gently squeezed my hand, guiding me into a secluded corner, away from prying eyes. A passing guard strolled by, completely oblivious to our presence.

"Although this is a memory, we remain visible. If anyone were to spot us, it could disrupt the current timeline. Let us proceed cautiously," Erebus whispered, his voice filled with caution.

We strolled through the exquisite gardens of the castle, where an abundance of vibrant flowers adorned the landscape. While I marveled at the diverse array of blooms, many of them were unfamiliar to me.

As we ventured further, my attention turned to the supernaturals bustling about. It became evident that most of the maids serving in the castle were enslaved witches, their unfortunate predicament marked by the bonds encircling their wrists.

Feeling a surge of compassion, I made a move toward a child among them, eager to offer comfort or aid. Erebus swiftly restrained me.

"There's nothing you can do in this timeline to change that. Defeat your brother, and you can. Now, please. Just follow me. And put this on."

Erebus summoned a cape for me. It was pastel pink. I eyed him suspiciously.

"Until you figure out shadow magic, the cape will make you undetectable until you take it off."

I nodded and threw on the cape, not questioning him because he saved me earlier. We entered the castle. From what I recognized from the times I stalked my family on television, it looked the exact same, just with different pictures on the wall.

We walked down the numerous halls and took numerous turns. Erebus abruptly stopped.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He glanced at me. "To the first person I gave shadow magic to."

Erebus guided me down the stairs, the oppressive atmosphere closing in around us. In that moment, I wished my sense of smell weren't as keen, for the air carried a putrid and metallic stench.

We had descended into the depths, where the cells lay hidden. It was a dismal sight, with the majority of the captives being witches, their freedom stripped away.

Within the dimly lit space, I could discern the silhouettes of wolves and vampires lurking in the shadows of their cages. Nearby, barrels of water contained a handful of sirens, whose voices were temporarily silenced.

Even nymphs and fairies, although scarce in number, were not exempt from the clutches of captivity. It pained me deeply to witness their sorry state.

We came to a halt in front of a particular cell, distinguished from the rest by its solitary occupant. The supernatural within, a forlorn figure, immediately raised her head as our presence drew near.

Her appearance spoke of unimaginable suffering—long, matted hair cascaded down her shoulders, her fingernails bore traces of dirt, and her face was marred by numerous cuts.

Approaching her cautiously, I extended my healing powers, mending the wounds on her face. She gazed at me, a glimmer of gratitude shining through her weary eyes.

Despite the hardships etched upon her, she managed a smile, revealing a set of sharp teeth, while her once resplendent wings remained tattered, a testament to the adversity she had endured.

"Thank. You, " she said slowly and hoarsely.

Erebus sighed. "The fairies weren't recently given shadow magic, Aggie. They always could hone it, but only those connected to her through her bloodline."

"Who is she?"

The fairy tried to clear her throat and coughed violently. She spat blood in a corner and cracked a smile.

"I can...speak...for myself. I'm Titania. Queen of the Fairies."

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