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Exiting his room, I waited for him in the hallway as Apollo closed the door behind us. He led the way to Ares' room, and together, we embarked on the next phase of our journey.

"Why is your brother's room outside the palace?" I asked Apollo.

All of his other relatives lived in the palace, but Apollo led me outside past the ancestral tree. My necklace glowed as we passed by.

"Ares moved to the colosseum because Dad claimed he was tired of him destroying his room from training." He shrugged.

"That's funny coming from Zeus."

"I said the same thing. Dad destroyed half the palace before and fixed it in an instant. He just doesn't like Ares."

Apollo and I reached the colosseum, its towering marble pillars and intricate architectural details mesmerizing as sunlight danced upon its majestic facade, emanating an aura of grandeur that surpassed even the dilapidated one in Rome.

"I like it here too, to be honest. I love my older brother a lot. I wanted to move in with him the day he moved out, but he told me no." Apollo pouted, walking into the colosseum.

"Aww. It's okay. At least he didn't move that far away. Just a slight walk."

We entered the rooms inside the colosseum, and Apollo knocked on the door. It swung open, revealing a burly man with a scowl.

His formidable presence radiated strength and dominance. I couldn't help but feel small and vulnerable in his presence, as if his sheer presence alone could overpower me.

Apollo ran up to the man and jumped at him, yelling, "Big brother!"

Ares stepped out of the way, no longer scowling, and Apollo almost fell on his face. He stopped himself and levitated back up before the impact.

"Love you too." Apollo mumbled, crossing his arms.

Ares shook his head at his younger brother.

"I love you, little bro, but you know I don't do hugs. Father has traumatized me enough."

It was sweet. Apollo really was a hugger, but his brother wasn't too fond of that, understandably. I wondered what Zeus had done to him.

Ares opened his arms and bowed to me. "Welcome to my humble abode, tribrid."

I bowed back to him. "Pleased to be here. Witches don't bother you?"

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "The only gods you should be wary of are Zeus and Hera. The rest of us couldn't care less about Hecate's creations and never have. No one cares y'all are almost more powerful than God's beloved angels. Just because angels were born on Olympus doesn't mean shit."

I respected that, and it was refreshing to hear. No wonder Hecate was so mad I wanted a potion from her. Father was wrong about the gods, but I couldn't fault him. The gods were the main perpetrators of the witch hysteria.

"Your response is better than I hoped." I told him. "Refreshing almost."

Ares smiled at me. "Come for training, have you? You're a bit earlier than expected."

Apollo sighed. "She was attacked by Sven today. She needs to get started on training ASAP."

Ares grabbed my hand with the cut.

"Ahh, I see. She does look like shit. Where were you while she got attacked? I didn't think you would let her get hurt like that."

The cut stung. Wounds from the particular dagger I used took time to heal, regardless of how accelerated my healing normally was.

Apollo looked at my hand, concerned. "I didn't even notice your hand was bleeding this whole time, Aggie. Why didn't you say anything?"

Ares lifted my hand to his mouth and licked the blood. I winced at the sensation as his eyes turned black.

"Delicious. Angel, fairy, and witch, yet this cut is taking its time healing. You used Hecate's dagger, didn't you?"

I nodded and tried to retract my hand from his, but he held on.

"Hecate's dagger? What does that mean?" Apollo asked him, grimacing at his brother's actions.

"When you use the witches' sacred teleportation spell, it drains you of your magical energy for a while. She took that chance using Hecate's dagger to cast the spell. When you use god tools without being a god, there are varying consequences."

He gently lifted his right hand and hovered it over my palm. My hand glowed white and the cut healed.

I pulled my hand away and inspected it.

"Thank you."

It looked brand new, like it never had a deep cut or any other scars.

"Listen up, gorgeous. God tools aren't playthings. I hope you had a good reason for using it," he warned me.

"Relax. She didn't come to be reprimanded. This is the girl I was asking you to train."

"This is the hottie with the sweet ass and roaring personality?"

Ares looked at me, slightly impressed.

Apollo pouted. "When you put it like that, you make me sound like a predator."

I ignored my heated cheeks. Apollo thought I was a hottie? "It's okay. I was wondering if we could begin training today."

Ares gave me a look of curiosity then spread his feet and bent his knees.

"Punch me as hard as you can." He patted his belly.

I stepped into an offensive position but held back while punching him in his stomach. Ares grunted but barely moved.

"Don't hold back. In order to train you, I need to know what you're capable of and what you've learned from Apollo."

I grimaced. Of course, the war god would notice when his opponent held back. Apollo gave me a puzzled look but watched intently.

I didn't hold back this time and punched Ares. The hit moved him halfway across the room. I rubbed my knuckles; his abs were as solid as saddle leather.

"Now that's what I'm talking about. I'm impressed. I could work with this one," he said to Apollo.

"When can we start?" I asked.

"As soon as I finish making your weapon. I need to alter it now that I've seen you. I'll reach out to you."

I nodded. "Thank you for the weapon and agreeing to train me."

"My services aren't free." He winked at me playfully.

"She's mine, brother." Apollo growled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"I was just joking. I'm glad you found someone to be monogamous with. Hopefully, my wife Aphrodite will follow suit. I'll see you both soon."

He walked us out and shut the door in our faces. We headed back to the palace. Outside, but heard a familiar voice called from behind us.

"Shit." Apollo mumbled under his breath.

"It's about time you introduce me, son." Zeus bellowed in his god voice.

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