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I slowly released Apollo's hands.

"My memories? I'm sorry, but I literally don't remember anything from when I was a baby."

"That's the thing. Your angel side has great memory. Since you unlocked it, start using your new abilities."

"I'll try." I smiled at him.

Angels, bestowed with an array of extraordinary abilities directly by God, held a distinct advantage over other supernatural beings. Their powers were a testament to their divine lineage, granting them unparalleled capabilities akin to the gods themselves.

From the gift of teleportation to the gift of enhanced memory, from the power of telepathy to the mastery of elemental magic, angels possessed a comprehensive arsenal of skills.

Their durability surpassed that of other creatures, and their lifespan extended to four hundred years, yet true immortality remained beyond their grasp.

It was only through the intertwining influences of Isidore, Poppy, and Eris that a glimpse of everlasting existence ever seemed attainable.

Apollo told me to tap into my memories. With eager anticipation, I directed my thoughts backward, retracing the steps of my life's journey.

Each memory unfolded before my mind's eye, revealing the interconnected events that had shaped my present existence. However, in my enthusiasm, I pushed too far, delving into a time long before the present moment...

I saw myself being born, but instead of forcing my memories to go forward, I watched. I watched my mother, who was then Queen Iridessa, red-faced and panting after the exertion.

My grandparents, Empress Clarissa Nightingale and Emperor Richmond Nightingale, stood in front of the bed. On the right side of my mother sat King Reynoso.

Their collective gaze turned to me, filled with disappointment, but the anger on their faces was directed squarely at my mother. My father was called into the room by my grandfather.

As soon as my father entered, Grandfather slapped him harshly across the face. My father stepped back, and a painful look dawned across his face, but he remained composed.

My grandfather barked after him, "You could never fathom the amount of restraint in me at this moment to not kill you and bring you back several times over."

Before my grandfather could strike him again, my grandmother stepped in front of him.

She smiled at her husband but then glared at my mother. "She's more to blame. She's the married one, not him. And he is but a servant who must obey her orders."

King Reynoso scoffed, crossing his arms. "I knew I was a pawn. You two nearly had me fooled, but behold, a green baby. We don't even need a paternity test."

My mother bawled, tears streaming down her face. "You've never truly cared about me as an individual. Lucius showed me the attention and care that you never did. So, screw you!"

"There's no such thing as love in any kingdom," Reynoso countered. "Our job is to rule our people and have heirs. It would do you well to get that through your thick-headed skull."

My grandfather sized up his son-in-law. "Watch how you speak. You're still not family, not even through marriage."

Reynoso sneered. "There's nothing you can do to me that will ever harm me. While you rank close to me, you're ultimately a cherub while I'm a seraph. You will always be number two in power while I'm number one."

My grandfather backed down. In a fight, Reynoso could definitely kill my grandfather even if they were only one rank apart. That was the main reason he was married into the family. They wanted a powerful heir.

My father stood before Reynoso. "Why not pick on someone closer to your rank? I would gladly beat your ass right now."

Reynoso swallowed and changed the subject. "So, what exactly are we expected to announce to the kingdom about the child's arrival? It could take up to a year before her skin goes back to normal. The kingdom will get curious."

My mother sighed. "We can't announce the baby's birth. We would get overthrown."

Reynoso smiled. "I have a suggestion. Pretend she was stillborn, and we kill her."

Everyone in the room gasped. My grandfather was shaking in anger.

My father called out, "Are you out of your mind? Kill my daughter? First born to the supernatural empire? Witch or not, that's heresy."

My mother raised her hand. "We will not kill her. I won't allow it. But you will need to go into hiding with her, Lucius. We can't guarantee her safety here."

My grandmother teared up. "So be it. Hide the baby, Lucius."

Everyone in the room was upset. Everyone except Reynoso, who remained composed, "Two birds, one stone."

My mother reluctantly gave me to my father. "Lucius, go. Don't ever return with her to this realm until her twentieth birthday when her powers come to fruition."

My father nodded and cradled me in his arms.

Before he left, he confronted Reynoso. "I will end you the next time I see you, shithead. Be prepared."

"I'll be waiting for that." Reynoso chuckled...

"Are you okay? Your eyes went white," Apollo muttered as he lightly tapped me back into reality.

"I'm good. Just saw myself getting born and learned why I was sent away with my father. I don't know why my mother ended up hating me, because she didn't want me to leave. She also promised me the throne when I returned with father for my twentieth birthday."

"I can relate, except I never got along with my mother much. Or any of my family, with a few exceptions. Anyway, did you get anything about how we can get there?"

I stared at him, puzzled.

"I nearly saw how to do it, honestly. It's completely fine though. I think we can rely on Remiel to do it. My head is pounding." I rubbed my temples.

Remiel stirred. "Not too sure about that, Aggie."

"Why not?" I frowned.

"You're not a full cherub. You have a witch and fairy side too. Therefore, you need all three to go to the supernatural realm or you'll be drained."

"So how else can we go there?"

"Use the other abilities you know already."

I didn't hear Remiel anymore, which sucked. It was disappointing that using her form required the others, but it made sense.

"Apollo, do you know of any other means of getting to the realm?"

Apollo crossed his hands over his chest. "Honestly, Aggie, Remiel is the easiest and fastest way to get there. Why can't she help you?"

"She said I can use certain abilities, but not all, since I'm only a partial cherub. I guess if I were a full or half angel, it wouldn't be this hard." I shrugged.

"You're one of the most powerful people I've ever met, Aggie. I trust you, alright?" Apollo smiled. "To the best of your ability, envision the supernatural realm and take us there."

With a smile, I extended my hands toward him. I mean, why not, right? If he trusted me this much, I might as well put trust in myself.

Meeting AggieWhere stories live. Discover now