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"It makes me so frustrated when other guys take your attention away from me. Especially my flirty little brother." Apollo fumed. "You're gorgeous inside out. Even with the enchantment."

His words caught me off guard, and I blinked in surprise. A profound sense of relief flooded through me. I felt grateful that despite being intoxicated, he hadn't directed any insults my way as Hermes warned.

"I'm sorry." He took a swig from his glass.

"It's alright."

I looked at him sympathetically. It bothered him tremendously that I stayed with Hermes, and a pang of guilt tugged at my heart.

"I like you a lot, Aggie."

Even though I knew Apollo liked me, hearing those words sent a flutter of excitement through me. I couldn't help but smile at him, and I tenderly clasped his hands in mine.

"I like you too, Polly."

Naturally, after spending so much time together, I had developed similar feelings. I empathized with his emotions completely. He reciprocated the smile, and his eyes reverted back to their original shade of blue.

"You do? I can relax now. No more jealous Apollo."

I laughed and nodded. Even though his jealous side was cute, and it stroked my ego, it wasn't good for either of us for him to act like that. It could draw unwanted attention.

"So, um... I've never really had a girlfriend before," he admitted as his gaze fixed on his cup resting on the bar. "I've always been more of a one-night stand kind of guy, but with you, I'm willing to commit my time and energy solely to you. It's not an issue for me at all."

"I know." I laughed. "But I'm asking you for a bit of time. I don't know what the future holds for me. So, can we put that thought on pause for a bit?"

Apollo lifted up both my hands to his lips and gave each a kiss. "I will wait however long you need me to. Thick and thin, Aggie."

He slowly released my hands and they fell into my lap. I cracked a smile at him then glanced at his glowing cup of nectar. I was tempted to try some but decided against it. Apollo followed my eyes.

"You can drink it some other time because it will mess with the potion. I promise, Aggie." He called back the bartender, "Shirley Temple, please."

The bartender nodded at him. He poured soda and grenadine syrup in a glass, mixed it, dropped in a cherry, and then passed it to Apollo.

"Sorry about earlier, friend." Apollo passed him a couple platinum coins.

The bartender nodded furiously and disappeared.

"Why did he react like that?" I asked.

I took a few sips of the drink he had made before he hurried off. It was delicious, and it made me realize I should have tried this drink back in the human realm.

I had heard of Shirley Temples before, but I had never bothered to give them a try. I had always thought the combination sounded overly sweet and exaggerated, but I was mistaken.

"Platinum coins are the highest form of payment, followed by gold, silver, and bronze," he explained. "Many on Olympus only possess silver and bronze, but I happen to have plenty of them. I suppose being Zeus' favorite son has its perks."

He shrugged nonchalantly, seemingly unaffected by his ability to bestow wealth upon the bartender effortlessly. It was clear that he had grown up in a world of privilege and abundance.

The thought of his upbringing made me momentarily envious, but deep down, I was grateful that he hadn't endured the same hardships I had experienced.

I raised the glass to my lips, savoring the last remnants of my drink. As I set it down, I couldn't resist stealing a glance at Apollo, who had been watching me intently.

"I want to take you somewhere before the potion wears off," he said.

I nodded in agreement, and without hesitation, he scooped me up in his arms, and together we floated down to the bottom. He held my hand tightly as we made our way back through the golden doors and into the hallway.

We walked outside to the back of the palace and deviated off the regular path to a more secluded area. A pathway of gold leaves formed as we walked through.

"We're almost there. Close your eyes."

I looked at him with a questioning expression but decided to comply and closed my eyes. He gently placed his hands over my eyes and guided me the rest of the way. Eventually, he came to a stop and removed his hands.

"You can open them."

Before us stood a breathtaking tree, radiating a mesmerizing white glow adorned with light blue and golden leaves. Its enchanting beauty captivated my senses, leaving me utterly entranced.

"This is so beautiful," I muttered in awe.

As a leaf gracefully descended from the tree, I instinctively extended my hands, catching it flawlessly in my palm. A sense of wonder filled me as I marveled at the delicate gift.

"It likes you. The leaves always died in my hands. You should keep it for good luck," he remarked with a smile.

Returning his smile, I glanced at the tree before whispering, "I will cherish this leaf and ensure it is well cared for."

The leaf in my hand hummed for a few seconds in response. Apollo waved his hand over the leaf, skillfully encasing it within a pendant that hung delicately from a transparent gold necklace.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked the leaf.

"Yes, I'm quite alright. Thank you, miss," the leaf confirmed.

"What's wrong? Did something happen to the leaf?" Apollo asked concerned.

I shook my head and giggled. "I was just making sure he was fine in the necklace."

Apollo chuckled at the interaction. "I keep forgetting you're part fairy. Of course, you understood it. Do you mind?"

He gestured toward the necklace on my palm.

"Go ahead."

He grabbed the necklace and unclasped it. I lifted up my hair as he placed the necklace around my neck. I smiled at the gesture, dropping my hair. Apollo was really the sweetest thing.

"This leaf comes from the ancestral tree. The first tree ever created on Olympus. It's special. Just like you," he said with emphasis.

His intense gaze locked onto mine as he slowly reached out to caress my cheek, his touch sending shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes, eagerly awaiting his lips on mine, but the anticipated kiss never came.

The feeling I felt was far worse. It came all too soon and at the wrong time. I put a hand on Apollo's chest and gently pushed him back.

"We need to leave, Apollo. The potion wore off." 

Meeting AggieWhere stories live. Discover now