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As consciousness slowly returned, I found myself enveloped in the secure hold of strong arms, cradled as if in a bridal embrace. Familiar scents wafted around me, mingling with the haze of my awakening. The fragrance was unmistakable. It was Apollo.

Raising my gaze, I locked eyes with him, and in that fleeting moment, a myriad of emotions played across his face. Anger, sadness, and above all, an overwhelming sense of worry radiated from his eyes.

It was as if a storm raged within him, and I couldn't help but wonder what had happened during my unconsciousness.

I wasn't sure where he was taking me, but Iris was giving him directions. I could only assume he was carrying me to the infirmary. Celeste and Iris were arguing behind us.

"One lesson a day! That was too much of a big instruction for you or what?" Iris chastised Celeste.

"She needs to learn the way the rest of us with light magic learned. It's deadly. That's not my fault, and I will not take the blame, sister," Celeste argued back.

Iris facepalmed and angrily grabbed Celeste by her arms. "She's not an average fucking fairy with light magic! She's to be the next supernatural empress. One grave mistake like that could've killed all of us! Do you not understand?"

Celeste teared up, and the guilt swallowed me. It was all my fault that another pair of sisters were arguing. I caused nothing but destruction and disarray wherever I went. It must have been a sign when Nyx gave me her daughter, the goddess of discord. We were the best fit.

"It's not her fault, Iris. She tried to help me but got burned," I apologized over Apollo's shoulder.

Iris screamed loudly, scaring the maids in the hallway with us. They rushed to continue their duties as Iris tried to calm herself.

Our responsibility as the queen and princess is to ensure that our guests stay safe, " Iris said to me. "You, however, are not a regular guest. You are the princess of the supernatural empire. You hold one of the highest ranks in the realms, and if you are killed before the fight—especially through other means—we will all be killed by the gods."

I looked at Apollo for confirmation, and he looked away, confirming it.

"Put me down."

Apollo ignored me. I started fighting in his grip and he accidentally dropped me. I reacted fast enough to levitate myself back up with what little magic I had left. I crossed over to Iris and Celeste.

"You two have done more than enough for me. I don't want to be the reason you guys are fighting with the little time you have left with each other. Make up and we'll leave. I only have a little over a week until the fight anyway. Maybe I don't need light or shadow magic as much as I thought."

Celeste shook her head and grabbed my hands. "That is absolutely out of the question. We care for each other, but we care for you too, Aggie. You're like our little sister. It was reckless of me to throw you into it like that."

"She's right," Iris said. "We used to argue like this all the time, it's just that it's different now. The entire future of the empire depends on you. Light and dark species alike need you. You're a better ruler and a better fit than Sven. I just got scared for your wellbeing."

I shook my head. "I understand you both, but my duration here is up. I'll have to learn the rest on my own. I may or may not get killed at the battle with my brother, but if anything happened to you guys or your people because of my recklessness in training here, I would never be able to forgive myself."

Iris nodded while tears streamed down Celeste's face. Her eyes faded into blue as she started bawling louder and hugged me.

"You are so much braver and stronger than you think. Alright? We support you."

Iris joined our hug as well and a tear streamed down her face. "We're right behind you, Princess Aggie. We'll miss you."

"I'll miss you guys too, but it's for the best. I'll never forget what you two have done for me."

We pulled apart and I crossed to Apollo and held his hand. He kissed my knuckles.

"Aggie, wait! You don't need to go to the infirmary anymore?" Iris called out as we walked away.

I shook my head no. "It's alright! I'm healing just fine."

Damage from my aborted sun merge was already healing. I showed them the fading sunburn.

She rolled her eyes and smiled. Apollo and I walked to the front of the palace and waited for the guards to open the door and let us out.

The guards spoke in unison before closing the doors. "Take care, Princess Agatha and God Apollo."

We walked outside and I admired the palace once more. For me, this could be the last time I see it. On the optimistic side, this could be the first of my visits with more to come.

If I couldn't master light and shadow magic, were my chances still fifty-fifty? The outward bravado I showed Iris and Celeste dissolved as the guards swung the palace doors closed behind us.

Something shuffled in the bushes nearby. Apollo gently put me behind him and raised his hand.

"Come out, or I'll fry you," he commanded.

A small pixie came out of the bushes and got on her knees. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to go with you guys."

I held out my hand to her and she flew up. She stood in my palm. She was the cutest pixie I had ever seen. She had vibrant blue eyes, curly blonde hair with silver highlights, and fair skin. I smiled at the idea of literally putting her in my pocket—a tiny bright spot in my current mood.

Apollo looked at the pixie in my hand. "Why would you want to come with us? It's dangerous you know."

She nodded in agreement. "My name is Amphid, and I believe I'm meant to be with Agatha. As soon as you arrived here, I followed you because I felt our connection. I can help you, I swear."

I nodded. "I need a familiar anyway, and you're too cute. You can come with us."

"If you get in the way, you know what happens." Apollo raised his hand and his sun magic emerged from it.

He grinned menacingly from ear to ear to scare her. She whimpered and hid behind me.

"Apollo, cut it out. I need a pixie to guide me through the rest of the realm, since you forgot everything."

His jaw dropped, and then he shrugged in agreement. "Fine, but she better do a damn good job at it."

We soon reached the heavily enchanted vine entrance. I touched the vines and the entrance opened. We walked out, and the pixie shut the entrance behind us. I sighed, feeling grim as we walked through the forest.

Meeting AggieWhere stories live. Discover now