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Here I am sitting in my bunk bed trying to revaluate my future plans. I had given the future many thoughts about how I would spend the rest of my life with Annabeth. We would start with college, and have coffee-cafe dates and would go on a walk in New Rome after classes. Then we would get married, have kids and start our own family. Now I know you're all probably thinking you two are kids who just got out of college. Is it really smart to get married so soon?. Well see the thing is we (Demigods) have a very short life so it's OK, and the fact that I was hopelessly in love with her probably made me biased,

And if you caught on to the "was in love" fact than I think I should explain. See I was packing my stuff for New Rome, me and my girlfriend were gonna move there and rent our own apartment. And I could not control my excitement cause I had been planning for this even before my memories returned to me on my quest to free Thanatos. And I was finished packing a little early and could not find anything to waste my time so decided to visit Annabeth in San Francisco. She was finishing her final year of high school there because she wanted to spend some time with her family and also because New Rome was not far from there. I decided to shadow travel there with my trusted dog Mrs. Oleary.

I arrived in San Francisco and saw that it was still noon. This time difference stuff was really messy and I had forgotten that she'd still be at school so I traveled there. I was looking for her and asked someone where she is and they told me to try the cafeteria so I went there. As I stepped inside my heart skipped a beat. Now every time before it used to be because she would always take my breath away but today it was cause of shock that she was sitting on some boy's lap. He was tall, not as much as me but still tall at least 5'11" , had blond hair and baby blue eyes. They were talking and laughing and suddenly she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. I was staring at them completely still when someone shouted at me.

"YO DUDE U OKAY...?" which caught the attention of everyone and they turned to look at me. That's when I realized tears were flowing free of my face. Annabeth looked at me and her eyes widened and she paled and stood up. But I was already out of there and walked out without a single word and sat on the ground leaning against a tree, just crying. Silent tears were falling from my eyes. She came out not long after and saw me. She had tears on her own face and sat on the ground opposite to me facing me and started speaking.

"Percy what you saw was just- she started, but I cut her off. " I saw you Annabeth" I said, "Percy that's not what it was I just wanted to see what else is out there and if I could do better," said Annabeth, and she was trying to convince me but the hubris in her voice told me otherwise that no matter what I did or sacrificed for her would never be enough . 

"Annabeth maybe it just started that way but the way you were looking at him was how you always used to look at me" I said sadly, the tears had stopped falling and my face was shifting into an emotionless mask. "Percy please it was stupid of me. Can't you just forgive me?" She said crying and it was taking all my will power to not comfort her as caring for her was second nature to me but I held on.

"Wise- Annabeth" I stopped myself as I couldn't bring myself to call her wise girl beacause it hurt too much. "You know, every time I used to look at you I would see glimpses of the future and the dreams I had for us but now all I see is black, no light is shining and no color is visible. When the Styx was dissolving every essence of my very being I could still very clearly see you. At the pit in the Mansion of Night, and through the death mist I could still see you and the girl I fell in love with. But now all I see is just nothing. I'm sorry Annabeth I can forgive you but we can't be together anymore" Percy said sadly. "wh-why" Annabeth said sniffing.

"Because Annabeth you broke my trust and no matter how hard I try I won't be able to trust you again and a relationship means nothing if there's no trust between the couple." I said emotionlessly and she broke down crying but nodded nonetheless like she understands. And I stood up and started walking away, aware that she was still crying but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't look back or care. After I was alone in some woods I whistled loudly and a second later the loudest "WOOF" was heard, and Mrs. oleary was licking my face. I patted her head affectionately and said "Alright girl let's go I need to have a chat with my family."

The only thing in my mind the entire time was that "LOVE BRINGS PAIN"


What both Percy & Annabeth failed to notice was the longer they talked the stronger the earthquake was like the earth itself was weeping and sobbing, the seas were restless and the waves were hitting the shore so violently that they looked like they were threatening pure destruction. As if their young prince's sadness was directly affecting and paining them. People that knew of the Greek gods immediately started praying and sacrificing to Poseidon to stop the oncoming destruction.

The pegasi/horses and the other equestrian animals were neighing loudly and the people were having trouble controlling them. 

But what both now separated coupled couldn't see was an Iris Message was happening right above them and that 14 super powerful immortals were watching the entire conversation silently and that all of them had sad faces and some even had tears in their eyes.


I appeared in a dark alley in Manhattan so people don't freak out when they suddenly see a 17 year old boy riding a Chihuahua. I bid her farewell and promised to play 'Get The Greek' with her the next time. 

Now here I'm standing in front of the closed door of the throne room of the gods. "Take a deep breath, flash a smile and get this over with. You're brilliant at hiding your emotions this should be easy" I told myself and pushed open the door that's too big for giants.

I came face to face with the entire council when Zeus thundered "PERCY JACKSON"

I looked up at the 25 foot big God of Theatre I mean God of Sky and said "What's uP" with a nod of my head and a grin at my face.

Chapter finished i would try to upload 2-3 more chapters as soon as I write them just to get the story going.

published 03/JAN/2022

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