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The winter solstice gathering was being commemorated. The Olympian council were particularly happy today for reasons that no one except the people from Camp Half Blood and the council knew. The throne room was buzzing with happiness and joy. The demigods from both camps, Artemis' hunters and many minor gods were present, along with the residents of Olympus. The room was radiating so much power that it seemed that at any moment everything would explode. All the party present knew something astounding was going to happen today but didn't know what.  

 Zeus, the Lord of Sky, was in his famous pinstripe suit. The earthshaker Poseidon, for once wasn't in Hawaiian shirt, and Bermuda shorts but rather in a magnificent blue toga that complimented his eyes. Hades, the Lord of the Dead, wore a black toga that made him look as regal as always. The rest of the goddesses and gods were also dressed to perfection. But one silver goddess caught the eye of everyone present as she was dressed in a particularly elegant strapless silver dress, and the fact that she was appearing as a 19 year old made her look all the more alluring. Which was confusing because she was not one to care for such unavailing things.

As Zeus went on and on with his speech about the might of the gods and Olympus. The rest of the gods dozed off. When he finished Poseidon cleared his throat and sat a little straighter garnering the gaze of everyone present. Satisfied with the attention, he began. "Gods, demigods, nature spirits and mortal (He said the last part looking at Rachel.) We the council would like to announce that today the Olympian council is going to get an addition of another Olympian." Immediately, excited chatter broke out all around the throne room. People were guessing who this new Olympian was and so on. 

They settled down after Poseidon began again. "Without any delay let us welcome back my son Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, adopted son of Hestia, retriever of Zeus's lightning bolt and the golden fleece, voyager of the sea of monsters and Daedalus's labyrinth , bearer of the sky, Artemis's savior and the only man that she respects, defeater of Ares, Hades and Kronos, the bane of monsters, bane of titans, bane of the giants, praetor of the 12th legion fulminata, survivor of Tartarus, slayer of Gaia, the hero and savior of Olympus, THE RONIN, THE DESTROYER." Poseidon's voice got louder at the last, as thunder literally shook the throne room. He looked at Zeus with a raised eyebrow and an amused expression. To which his brother shrugged and said "I do have a flair for drama," and got a chuckle out of him. 

Everyone was cheering at the fact that Percy Jackson was going to be an Olympian. They had heard of his exploits considering the last 5 years. They knew he goes by the name of Ronin now, and after his fight with Perses, seeing him in person was even more impressive. The Greeks were less surprised, spending the last few days with the lost son of Poseidon. The Romans, however, were shocked and elated at the news of their former praetor turning god. The rest of the seven, along with Nico, Reyna and Calypso looked stupefied seeing their friend after 5 years. Rachel was smirking all along as she probably had seen this.

As the end of Poseidon's speech, the throne room door flew open and walked in the Hero and Heroine of Olympus. They came in together, which caused many to raise their eyebrows at the pair. Artemis, however, was feeling both jealousy and pain. Jealousy she didn't understand, because she was starting to have feelings for both of them, but pushed it deep inside. Feeling she would be shamed for liking two people despite being a virgin goddess. And pain because she lost her chance to be with either of them. Aphrodite sensed her mental dilemma looked towards her, and squealed internally. Artemis garnering feelings for someone was the best thing that had happened to her this millennia.

 Percy walked with the confidence and power that only a king can show. His steps calm and calculated, eyes locked with the council. He was dressed in a perfect ethereal sea green shirt that matched his eye. Everyone present had no doubt that even with all these super powerful immortal gods present among them, Percy was still the most dangerous thing in here. The Ophiotaurus somersaulted out of joy at seeing his old savior, which caused the hero to smile. He walked in by his partner into the middle of the throne room and bowed slightly.

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