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After the incident with Perses the next five months went smoothly, with me saving demigods and delivering them safely to the camps. I had run in with the hunters a few times, but managed to get away without any confrontation and avoid them. It's been 4 years 11 months since I left camp and I still haven't had any contact with anyone from my past life except my mom and dad. I had about 15 days left to spend time with them. You see, I am about to be offered Godhood again for the third time this Winter Solstice; I had declined the past two times; but this time I am accepting it. So my mother told me that I should spend the remaining 15 days of my mortal life with my friends and family from Camp Half Blood. Therefore, here I am on Half Blood Hill, looking down at the camp.

So many memories I had here, all of which came rushing down at me as I walked towards the camp. I walked toward Peleus, the camp's guardian dragon that protects the Golden Fleece. As I walked inside the camp, one of the younger campers ran to inform Chiron. At least I think that's where he ran. After walking in I saw that some people had gathered around and were talking around in hushed whispers. Hmn must have recognized me from the Big-house Photographs. I walked towards the big-house to meet with Chiron but saw that he was already out looking for me. I went to him and bowed slightly to him, "Chiron its good to see you". The centaur rushed towards me and pulled me in for a hug. "Percy, my boy, it is so good to see you. Welcome back" he said to me with a smile.

"Can we step inside for a while please?" I asked him and he nodded. After we went in I saw that Dionysus was already in there playing. Looking through a wine magazine, he looked up at me and nodded "Dionysus" I nodded to him and sat down. "Percy you shouldn't refer to him by his name. He's a God." Chiron told me, "actually that's what I want to talk about you" He nodded and motioned me to continue "I am being offered Godhood again and this time I am accepting. So I am going to spend the time till the Winter Solstice here in camp" I told him and his face immediately lit up and he clapped me in the back, "Congratulation my boy, I knew you were meant for greatness. You should meet the campers they would be dying to talk to you" he asked me "Not now Chiron I shall address every one at dinner time at the dining pavilion" I told him, and he nodded "Okay Chiron. I will see you at dinner" After that, I mist-traveled away to the beach.

I sat down at the sea shore with the waves lapping at my feet when I felt someone else enter the area and sat down next to me. "Hello Percy" a girl's voice said to me, and I recognized it and instinctively replied "Hello love" I realized my mistake and turned to her, and her eyes were wide with shock. "Annabeth, I am sorry, it was just kind of second nature to call you that" I blurted out to her. She nodded with a small smile, "It's okay, truth be told I missed you calling me that" she said sadly. "Why? Aren't you dating anyone?" I asked her, "No the moment you saw me with him I realized my mistake and ended things up with him and haven't dated anyone since." She told me, and I looked at her tilting my head and asked her "so why did you do it".

"I don't know Percy I am still not sure what caused me to do it. All my life I have only loved you and before that I had a slight crush on Luke but as I grew older I recognized that he was just someone I looked up to. After the war, pit, and everything, I wanted to see my options. Now I realize that was just my fatal flaw getting the better of me. I know you don't believe me but I am really sorry for what I did to you and the pain it caused. She explained herself to me and I nodded "so you dating anyone" she asked me, changing the topic of the conversation. "No one, you're still the only woman I have ever loved. I got close to someone a while back but I was still wary of love after everything." I said to her and looked ahead. 

"Percy I know that there's no chance but can we go back to the way we used to be?" she asked me, and there was hopefulness in her voice. "We are different people than we were Annabeth. A lot has happened since then. I can't go back to the way things used to be but I am willing to give us a chance again." I said to her and immediately got tackled to the sand with a pair of hands wrapped around my neck and her lips on my lip. When we broke apart, my forehead rested on hers and she sighed slightly. "I missed your taste" I told her, and her face lit up. "I missed you too Seaweed Brain" she said, and kissed me again. I held her from behind both of us, sitting down on the beach with my chin resting on her shoulder, both of us looking at the sea silently till night time.

I arrived at the dining pavilion a few minutes after Annabeth, as we didn't want to be seen together for now. All the talking died down upon my arrival, and I went to sit toward the head table with Chiron and Dionysus. Chiron stood up and announced "campers today we have with us a member of our family that has returned after a long time. Some of you know him and those of you who don't welcome Percy Jackson son of Poseidon savior of Olympus". The campers started shouting, asking me tons of questions; Chiron stomped his hoof at the marble floor, and everyone quieted down. "Heroes continue with your dinner afterwards your questions will be answered" and everyone carried on with their dinner eating eagerly to ask me questions.

After everyone was done, a camper I didn't recognize stood up and asked "We know what you have done by the stories told of you. But why did you leave after everything you did for the camp?" I looked at the girl and saw that she was a little red in the face from all the attention she was getting. "Well little one after everything that happened during the wars I never got the chance to live my life so I went on to roam the world a little" she nodded and sat down. Another got up and asked "Why do they call you The Ronin?" I looked at the boy and said "It's because I spent a year training under a Japanese Monk in the arts of Assassination as a Ninja. And a Ninja without a master is known as Ronin". Another kid got up and asked "So what else adventure did you go on?" He looked a little too happy about my travels, so I guessed he was a son of Hermes. "Well kid I spent the first six months training in Alaska over my control over my hydrokinesis, then the next six months in Egypt training under a fire mage working on my Pyrokinesis. Than an year in Japan after that two years in the bottom of Mariana trench meditating" By the end of my explanation, everyone even Chiron and Dionysus, were looking at me in shock.

Then Travis Stoll stood up and asked "well Perce now that you have returned you are staying here right?" "No Travis, I cannot" "why Perce" His brother Connor Stoll asked. I took a deep breath and began, "You see, the gods have offered me godhood once again and this time I am accepting". I dropped the ball and everyone was shocked with their jaw dropped to the ground, but before they could say anything I started again "After I become a god I would be forced to stay away because of the ancient law, but I would still do everything in my power to make life easier for demigods". They all nodded in appreciation and I stood up and walked away towards my cabin.

As I went inside the cabin, I felt another presence enter. I turned to look that it was Annabeth. She looked at me and I patted the place next to me in my bed and she walked over and lay down. "So you're going to be a god" she asked me, and I nodded "so what will happen to us? You know the gods can't interact with mortals" she said the last part sadly, and I wrapped my arms around her, "well wise-girl you're right but last I heard you were an immortal" I told her, and she blushed gold in embarrassment, but nodded. Soon we fell asleep in each others arms thinking about what the future may hold.




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