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Hello everyone, how are you?

This is a work of appreciation for the Percy Jackson books. All characters except originals are owned by Rick Riordan. 

Read ahead to be introduced to a new character.


"You can come out now, you may be able to hide from your children, but I am an assassin. Nothing much can stay hidden from me," I called out to the presence I had detected in the throne room earlier. No one had noticed her, except my mother Hestia; she always sees more than she let on.

"I can see your reputation precedes you. I have never seen someone talk to my children like that, but I am glad you did that. They had really grown lax in their duties over the millennia." She replied, and came into sight. She sat down at the hearth; I joined her, too.

"Queen Rhea," I dipped my head in a bow at respect.

"King Perseus." She replied just as formally.

"What brings you here, Lady Rhea?" I couldn't help but ask, as far as I knew, she hadn't seen her children in a couple millennia.

"I wanted to see who my grandson really was, and I must say, you're more impressive than I had originally thought." She told me, and I blushed slightly. This was the first time I was meeting a grandparent that didn't want to kill me.

"I just did what was right and necessary. Anyone could've done that," I replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"You're too modest for your own good Perseus. You should learn to accept your accomplishments. While none may deny that you're powerful, they will take advantage of you." She chastised me and I smiled.

"I will take that into consideration, my lady. I believe you would like to visit your children and talk with them. As I have learned, you haven't seen them in a millennia. I'm sorry Lady Rhea, but my lieutenant is trying to call me." I told her as I felt Alexis was trying to contact me, with our link.

"Thank you for your time Perseus. I sense someone trying to contact you, it must be urgent. Yes I shall talk to my children and grandchildren. I was married to a time Lord Perseus, I have seen the horror and wonder one can bring with this power. I really hope you that you will shape the world in a new and better image." Rhea said, kissing my cheek, then flashed out.

I flashed to where I sensed Alexis presence earlier. He was on the beach at camp, training with his sword. I wanted to see his instincts, so I summoned a knife and threw it at him. He turned around just in time to catch it. He saw me and grinned ear to ear.

"Well, I see your instincts have gotten sharp, let's see your skills in sword." I said and attacked him with a random sword I summoned. I didn't have Riptide anymore; I felt a part of me missing.

Alexi raised his sword and blocked the slash at his neck. He hadn't estimated the weight of my swing and staggered backwards. "Plant your dominant feet ahead of you, not every swing has the same weight behind it. Some might hit like a truck, some could just have a feather's touch behind it."

He nodded and attacked me; we parried each other's side for a little more, before he planted a hit on my shoulder. He smirked at me, and attacked me again. This time I countered his attack and hit him with the side of my blade hard. After that it was all 'Whap' "Lunge," 'Whap,' "Now back up."

At the end of the spar he was pouring in sweat. Bruised and battered, he sat down on the ground, glaring at me, "I hate you so much." He grumbled in pain. "Oh man up, when I was 12 my sword instructor used to train me harder and more painfully. Then he later turned to Kronos' personal minion, and tried to kill me multiple times. I'd say you're lucky." I chuckled at him, and summoned an ambrosia square for him. "Eat up," I told him and handed him half.

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