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Today was my last day as a mortal; from tomorrow I will be a God. I still had some mixed feelings about the Ancient Laws, about not helping demigods. I know that these laws were created so that gods don't always help their children and to help them in the long run. Personally, I think these laws had done more harm than good, like Luke, and all those demigods wouldn't have turned against Olympus if they had a slight acknowledgment that their parents cared for them and that they weren't just tools from them. I would do at least something to help them. The ancient laws be damned. I was never good at following rules.

So here I am spending my last day at camp teaching sword fighting to some of the younger campers that wanted me to teach them. Annabeth and I  had shown them some moves to practice to get them started and have a feel of their sword. After these 14 days they had improved a lot. The kids thanked us after training and went along to play or whatever else the kids do. I wouldn't know; I never got the chance to be a kid. Well, what can you do? I was about to step into the lake for a swim when I heard someone call my name and turned to see my mother. Just looking at her causes me to smile. "Hey Mom what brought you here to your favorite son?" I asked her, it was a little weird to call her mom as she always looked like a 9 year old. As if reading my thoughts, she changed her appearance to a 30 year old. "You're my only son" she told me with a chuckle.

"So what can I do for you mother?" I asked her and she looked sad and a little angry for some reason, which was weird because I rarely see her angry. "Percy I know that this is your last day as mortal but I have a immediate task for you." She told me and I figured it must be something really messed up or she wouldn't have asked. "Tell me, I will do it." I immediately accepted because one, I was bored, and second, I couldn't say no to her. Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, call me a mama's boy; I won't deny it. "There's a man who is trafficking some girls to a local pimp. There are at least 10-12 girls all between the ages of 12-17. They are orphan so no one has notified the authority. I want you to go and save them. Most of the girls are mortal but I sense a couple of demigods too." I nodded seriously at her; there's nothing I hate more than people abusing others for their profit or pleasure. "Sounds like a big ring. If they have so many kids, I will have to bring someone with me to help." I informed her and she nodded "Alright take whoever you want and be safe". I nodded and she flashed out after giving me the location.

I knew just who to ask to have my back when I'm out there risking my life. I started walking towards the cabins and stopped in front of cabin 6 and knocked. After a minute, Malcolm Pace opened the door, "Hey Percy what can I do for you?" He asked politely, "Can you ask Annabeth to meet me at my cabin? It's important"  He nodded and went inside and I walked inside my cabin to prepare for the mission. I packed some ambrosia squares and a nectar flask. I wore my assassin uniform and strapped the stygian throwing knives into the sheaths on my waist. I checked for my trusted sword pen Riptide and put on the mask that hides the bottom half of my face. As I was finished Annabeth walked in, she looked at me and knew that I was going on another rescue operation. "Percy what is going on, where are you going?" She kept asking me questions and I knew she was scared, so I did the only thing I could think of to stop the words assault. I pulled her in for a kiss.

"Listen wisegirl I have a new mission from my mother and it's dangerous. I wanted to ask you if you were willing to come along with me? To back me up. You don't have to if you don't want to. I mean I understand if you think-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as she crashed her lips on mine. And by the gods her lips felt like nectar that I could get drunk on every time. "I will come, you know I always have your back," she told me, and I nodded "Okay inform Chiron where we are going, pack necessary things for the rescue and meet me at Thalia's tree" I told her, and she nodded and went away to prepare.

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