Chapter-2: First rain of Monsoon.

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A new day,

Virat ran to his home carrying a letter in his hand.

Everyone were surprised to see him jumping and screaming in excitement, exactly like a kiddo.

His parents laughed aloud looking at his excitement.

"What happened Virat? At least tell us before jumping!" Ashwini said smilingly.

"Aaiiii!!!" He ran to her and hugged her tight almost lifting her from the ground.

"Virat.... Tell na! Why are you so excited? What happened?" Asked the matriarch of the house.

"Kaku.... I got my transfer order. I will be joining as new ACP of Gadchiroli!!" He said with a huge smile in his face.

Now it was Ashwini's turn to scream in joy. She ran to him and hugged him tightly muttering numerous thanks to Bappa.

The elders of the house blessed him. It was one of the memorable days of Virat.

"Bhai!!! We want treat!" Told Mohit wanting to celebrate the appointment.

Virat nodded in agreement.

"Mohit is right! Even you guys na." Requested Virat earning an angry glare from the youngsters.

They wanted some fun time man!

Sensing what's in youngsters mind they rejected Virat's offer politely.

Other side,

Sai groaned in her place due to severe back pain. She almost wanted to resign this place and run to her Aaba. But all those thoughts stayed as thoughts only.

She skipped her breakfast.... Yet again. She smiled imagining what would have happened when her Aaba comes to know about her missing breakfasts.

Her reverie broke when the attender entered her cabin.

"Do you need something mam?" Enquired the peon.

Sai immediately took out some bills from the purse and gave it to him.

"Bhaiya.... Can you please buy A set of Aloo Parathas from the nearby restaurant?" She asked.

"Haan mam! Will go now. Do you need anything else?" He asked.

"Nope! That's it." She told him.

He nodded and went outside. Sai closed her trying to relax her raging heart and hungry stomach. Hunger can make a person go crazy!

Soon the food arrived. She tore a large piece and stuffed it in her mouth. She was that hungry.

The food was good. But she missed her Aaba's home cooked food. The mess they used to make together, the endless talking sessions while preparing it.

After completing her lunch, she neatly wrapped them and threw them in the dustbin and washed her hands.

The day went swiftly for both of them.

It was evening,

Virat was in his room getting ready for their night out.

Mohit Karishma Pakhi and Samrat entered the room.

"Shiva... It's getting late, come fast!" Samrat said impatiently.

"Haan.... Almost done!" He said wearing his watch.

"Ready! Shall we leave?" Asked Virat. Everyone nodded.

"You didn't invite Sunny?" Enquired Samrat.

"I did. He'll be joining us in the restaurant directly." Answered Virat.

They informed the elders and left the house.

Soon they reached the restaurant and ordered the food.

They had a fun time talking and enjoying. It's been days since they had a night out like this.

They had their dinner and walked outside.

SamRakhi and MohRishma started their bike. Its been days since they had some private time.

Now Sunny and Virat were left.

"Bhai! The climate is so good! Shall we go for a walk?" Asked Virat.

Before Sunny could reply his phone rang. Sunny walked to a distance and attended the call.

Soon Sunny ran to him and told that he won't be joining with him tonight as he's going out with his Girl friend.

Virat smiled and bidded Adieu to him.

He walked for sometime. The cool humid breeze played with his unruly locks.

He closed his eyes feeling the first drops of Rain falling on him.

The first shower of Monsoon.

Rain falling in a huge chaotic manner, the gusting wind carrying them in vortices. The petrichor entered inside the lungs and tingled his senses goosebumps arising.

Rain.... It falls like God's own poetry; each drop is a single letter in a song that takes eons to sing... In a beautiful melody.

Is it first shower of monsoon or first shower of love?

He was so into his feelings, when he felt a soft pair of hands pulling him Aside.

He opened his eyes trying to decipher what happened a few moments back.

There he saw her.... For the first time.

She was drenched in rain, same as him.

He was lost in her. Those large bewitching eyes filled with concern and worry for him. He wanted to get lost in those large oceanic eyes of hers.

Her wet locks stuck on her innocent face just added more beauty to her.

The irresistible Pulchritude of hers made his heart thump wildly.

For the first time he felt like a shy school boy trying to impress his crush Rather than a fully grown capable man.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

And.... He was lost. Again! Her voice sounded like a sweet melody filling his ears with ecstasy.

Realising he hadn't spoken anything for last two minutes. He gently nodded his head.

"An over speeding bike..... It would've almost hit you. That's why I pulled you. Am sorry!" Sai confessed.

Virat mentally thanked the bikers and replied, "no... I've to thank you. For saving my life. Thanks a lot!"

"Its my duty Sir!" Sai replied.

He nodded his head and they had a brief eye lock. It was broken when a loud thunder hit.

She turned and walked away. Virat who was frozen, now came out of his reverie. He turned around and searched the place.

Damn it Virat! You've missed her.

'Now how will I find her in such a big city?!" He exclaimed.

He ruffled his wet hair and walked back to the home feeling a strange and new emotion of being loved..... Or fall in love?

Virat was a shy and studious guy. He never knew about love, attraction, crush anything.

He always wanted to know how it feels. Does people in love stop sleeping? Do they always think about their partners? Do they stop eating? Do they become crazy?

He entered his house and walked to his room directly not heeding to any words of his Aai for being drenched totally.

He changed to his pyjamas and jumped on the bed holding the duvet close to his chest trying to calm his pounding heart.

He closed his eyes with a wish to see her once again


Precap: Welcome to Gadchiroli!!

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