Chapter-30: The surprise

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It's been a few days since the romantic confession and the passionate kiss in rain. Sai and Virat were basking in the newfound love. Virat never missed any moments or even seconds to show his love for her, be it a simple handhold, hugs and kisses. sai never told the three magical words to him despite his begging and pleading.  He couldn't get enough of her and she couldn't help but love this newfound romantic side of Virat. All Sai could think was how grateful she is to get an extremely caring and empathetic partner in her life. While Virat couldn't be more thankful to God as he got her. Probably the only person he desired in his life.

She was his sunshine. The sunshine after the storm. Sao was almost awestruck seeing the intensity of his love, when he confessed about how he would love her, one time when they laid on the terrace and gazed at the stars.

Aniket couldn't be more happier. He was the person who predicted this relationship way before the confession and now boasted about it every moment. Virat was a charmer. He charmed evryone except for her Aaba who seemed to have no idea that they are in relationship.

Evening drops, Night long calls, Hidden kisses were a regular occurrences now. Except for Sunny and Aniket none of them know about their relationship and His cousins were pestering him to "propose her"

Now coming back to the present,

"Do you really have to go?" Virat asked her sadly as he hugged her tight from behind. Sai knocked the door on a nice Sunday morning only to announce that she will be going for a medical camp that evening. Virat didn't get time to process she ranted about medical service and free camps for underprivileged. Right now, Virat was stuck behind her. Literally! And whining about how he is gonna miss her for next few days. She turned around and pushed him a bit and kept her bag between them.

"Am getting late. I will leave." She announced and he dropped her at the bus stop not before hugging her tight an announcing loudly that he is gonna miss her. He glared at Aniket and instructed him to keep her safe as he drove back home.

Sai♥️: Started.... Will probably won't be able to call you. Poor network. Byeee.

Virat; Be careful. Don't go out anywhere alone.... If you wanna come back call me. I will pick you up

Sai♥️: okayy....

Virat was cranky the next day. He was all complaining and moody that, his juniors escaped from his eyes whenever they see him.

The poor network prevented her from calling and he was yearing to hear her voice or probably see her, hug her....

Tired off waiting, Virat called Aniket.

"Khet... Send your location. Where you are staying." He instructed and cut the call as he packed the bag.

Next day,

"Today is your day off. You can explore the town or rather sleep in your room... Your wish." The chief doctor announced confusing Sai.

"Don't we have shift today.... Didn't he just warned us not to be late yesterday night? Ab kya hua?" Sai asked Aniket curiously.

"Mujhe kya pata.... I don't know" he said nervously and walked away from her to attend the call.

"Why is he acting weirdly since yesterday?" Sai murmured. Tying her scarf properly she decided to go for a walk.

"Sai!!!" She heard Aniket call her from behind. He giggled and expressed his interest to join the walk. She nodded and barely took a step when Aniket held her hand and both started running. Sai was shocked as well as scared seeing her dear friend finally gone crazy. He took her to a nice secluded riverside enveloped by lush green trees and flowers.

"This is so beautiful Ani." She whispered happily.

"Say thanks to Virat sir."

"Where did Virat sir come from?" She turned around in confusion only for her to crash on Virat's chest.

"Virat?!" She asked in shock as he hugged her tight lifting her off from her feet and swinging her.

"Ani... It is time for your leave. Thanks for the help" Virat thanked him respectfully and shooed him away.

"Put me down na.... One sec." She screamed. Virat made her stand on her feet releasing her from his death grip.

"How did you come here?" She asked with shock mixed with happiness.

"I couldn't stay there.... Missed you terribly. That is why." He said like an innocent baby with a pout.

"Aww! I missed you too...." She replied in a babyish voice and kissed his forehead. Hundreds of kisses and hugs later, still Virat was the first one to blush and shy away. She adored seeing the dark red hue blotched on his cheeks.

"Why did you arrange this here....? Riverside?" She asked curiously.

"I searched for good places here.... Since this village isn't even half of Gadchiroli, there was no peaceful silent spot here. Everywhere was cramped and loud except for this. That is why." He replied as he interwined their fingers playing with her Mother's ring.

"I missed you..." She confessed softly as she laid her head on his shoulders. He smiled and placed a kiss on her hair before leaning his head over hers.

"You planned everything?"

"Yes... Talking to your chief, talking to Aniket... Arranging stuff. Sab." He replied proudly. Sai kissed his chest where his heart lays and leaned on his hands enjoying the moments of silence and the company of each other.

"I got your special Bhel Puri.... You want?" He asked five minutes later.

"Yes!!!" She replied exhaustedly. He smiled and bought the aluminium box. She smiled and leapt forward to grab it, but he was fast enough to move away.

"What?" She asked frowning at him

"I bought this na?" He asked the obvious chuckling at her impatience when he heard her grown

"Yes..." She replied impatiently.

"Then the rule is I should feed you " he explained. Though Sai protested in the beginning she craved for his attention and love, so she accepted the proposal shyly. The smiled fed eachother and kissed under the sunset and spent the entire day in solace in eachother's arms.


Guys... Do check out my new general fiction. First love. It's a story about Indian Arranged Marriage and how Love blooms after marriage. Do check out my account.

Precap: We need to Talk!

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Will meet soon

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