Chapter-24: Changing dynamics

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Warning: unedited and terrible chapter ahead. Might unpublish and republish it later.




It was finally the time for Kamal and Virat's meet. The awkward stares continued for 10 minutes. Virat was fidgeting in seat, uncomfortable with the glare.

"Am not happy Virat." Kamal broke the silence. His voice was stoic. He looked professional and his eyes hinted very little worry or care.

"Sir?" Virat asked in confusion partly realising what might be the reason.

Virat was one of the best cadets in his batch. Intelligence, willpower and courageous and as they said, every human has a flaw, Virat too had one. His impulsivity and carelessness regarding his life. Virat never really cared or worried for life until a chirpy woman entered. Kamal sir was one of the person who knew and opposed his carelessness right from the training. Kamal sir always used to say, "try to value your live before saving others" Those words rung in Virat's mind. But unfortunately only in his mind and not in actions. Carelessness and impulsivity was interconnected leaving him in so many life threatening and team threatening operations. He was once almost about to get a suspension because of his actions. But Kamal sir being his guardian angel convinced the authorities to cancel the order.

"You heard me, Virat" kamal said in sheer annoyance.

"Huh.....!" Virat was now worried. His impression before Kamal sir was already in smithereens, now this new black mark!

"You have never changed Virat. I've instructed you thousand times Virat. Your impulsivity will end up you in danger. And now my words ended up true isn't it?" Kamal said.

"But sir...."

"I didn't end my talks Virat."

"Sorry sir" Virat said in a soft whisper.

"This. This impulsivity of yours is a huge minus in your otherwise glorious career Virat. This time it was your shoulders. Next time it will be your heart. I have talked, instructed and even counselled you thousand times.... Do remember the punishment during your training period?"

"Yes sir..." Virat said sadly.

"Still. You never changed, did you? I have nothing to say Virat. There is only an inch distance from shoulder to heart." Kamal said seriously and stood up.

"Take care." He said and walked out of the room leaving a very sad Virat. Since when his and Kamal sir's relationship become so formal that he didn't even ask how was his health? Where was the care in his voice? Concern? Worry? Anything?

"Excuse me sir....." Aniket knocked the door.

"You are excused." Virat said annoyingly.

"That is not a nice joke...." Aniket said in confusion as he entered inside the room.

"Why are you here?"

"Am here to check you." Aniket said in excitement.

"You?" Virat asked in horror. Where is his angel in doctor coat?!!!!

"Yes. Now show me your hand." Aniket said.

"Wait." Virat protested pulling his bedsheet close to his chest.

"Whyyy?" Aniket asked, pouting.

"Where is Sai?"

"Woh.... She is attending patients in general ward. She won't be coming for rounds today." Aniket informed.

"Wait what?!" Virat screeched from his place.

"Wait sir. Don't go now."

"Why? I just wanna meet her."

"Kamal sir is there...." Aniket informed slowly.


"You're a patient.... Do you remember?" Aniket said in annoyance.

"I don't care. I wanna meet Sai. My day is incomplete without meeting her. Now help me with the shirt" Virat said throwing his shirt on Aniket's face.

Virat ran down the stairs hunting for Sai in general ward.

"This is cheating!!?" He heard a familiar screechy voice. He followed the direction and saw his Sai sitting on the bed with a kiddo on IV, playing UNO. He stood beside her lest she failed to raise her head from the game.

"Ahem... Ahem..." He cleared his throat. She turned her around and squealed in shock.

"Why the hell are you here?!!! You should be in your room. You should not strain yourself!!!! Oh my god, where is my stethoscope?! Where is that good for nothing Aniket!!!?" She panicked while Virat sat beside her. The little girl looked at Sai curiously and threw a pillow on her face.

"Stop screaming didi!" She said. Sai bit her tongue realising she was acting like crazy and gave her an awkward smile.

"Hi Virat sir! And.... Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in the room?" Sai asked sweetly avoiding his glares.

"Why didn't you come and check me?" Virat asked with a sad pout. Sai almost awwed at his reactions. He's now acting like a kiddo, much smaller than the girl with whom she was playing.

"Akshaya... Go to your mom. I'll come back soon." She said as she ushered Virat to his room. Holding Virat by his Shoulder, she made him lie on the bed carefully and covered him with the sheets. He smiled as he noticed her biting her lips and checking the health chart.

"Why are you looking.... Lost?" Sai asked him much to his surprise.

"No... No... Am not" he tried his hand in a skill which he rarely tried.

Telling a lie.

"You are sweating in a AC room. Your eyes look dilated.... Are you crying? And your hands are restless" As she pointed towards his hands which was squeezing the air. He looked at her in aww almost forgetting the bitter confrontation he had a few minutes back. This woman was a magic.

"Things are not good Sai" he said slowly. Sai halted her work and sat on the bed cross-legged looking curious.

"What happened?"

"Changes.... Stings like hell!" He said as he gripped her hands.

"What sorta changes?"

"When love and care just gets reduced to a professional relationship...
When the love and respect between two people just becomes a formal relationship between junior and senior..... Everything changed Sai" he said sadly.

"I can't get it Virat sir...." Sai was confused with his cryptic words. Sai was poor in reading people. A skill very few can master. Cryptic words and subtle flirts makes her go mad in confusion.

"You'll Sai.... You'll get it" he said patting her hair leaving her lost in thoughts.


Precap: Sunset date.

This was just a filler one. So apologies for a terrible chap.


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Will meet soon.

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