Chapter-19: The raging heart.

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How can my day be perfect without rains!😅

So a small rain seq. Spl for today as today is my birthday... Hope you guys enjoy it.


Sai was in the hospital going through the huge medical files. She couldn't help but feel disturbed regarding the changing dynamics of her life.

Virat sir and aaba were fine. They had this perfect relationship of a guru and student, A father and his son. But now she could feel the rising tensions in their relationship.

She could sense the distance growing between kamal and Virat. What hurt her the most was, she felt helpless and torn between them. She didn't knew how to fix their relationship.

"Oye! Kya hua?" Aniket asked her as he sat opposite, playing in her mobile.

"Kuch Nahi...." She replied lost in thoughts.

Her phone pinged with message.

"Oye! Your Virat sir messaged you." He said cheekily. She grabbed the phone from him and opened the whatsapp conveniently ignoring the "Your" part from Aniket.

Virat sir: Sai... Am going for a naxals eradication operation in neighbouring town. It's quite dangerous..... So don't try to contact me for next 3 days. I myself will contact you.... If am alive.🙃 take care of Kamal Sir and yourself....
If possible.... Pray for me.
Bye!! See you soon.

She switched off the mobile and threw it to the nearby couch.

"That's a Samsung you dumbo!" Aniket squealed and took the mobile from the couch, patting and caressing it softly

"Go to hell yaar!!!" She replied in frustration.

He sat beside her and looped his arms around her shoulder, rubbing it comfortingly.

"What happened Sai? Why are you so disturbed?"

"Virat sir is going on a mission....."

"He always goes for these missions na? Why are you so worried?"

"This time he's going to some dangerous Naxals area.... He's talking about death and all....." She stuttered, sweating bullets.

"Why are you stressed yaar? Virat is one of the best officers in his job. Don't worry Mirchi! Don't overthink! Everything will be fine...... Don't worry." He tried to lift up her mood. She gave him a soft smile and wiped her sweat.

"You're right. I shouldn't think negatively. Let's concentrate on our jobs." She took her stethoscope and looped it around her neck and walked out.

At home,

"Sai!! How was ur day?" Kamal asked her in curiosity.

"How's Virat sir?" She asked instead of reply. Kamal's smile dimmed as he walked away grumbling in anger.

"Is he alright? Tell na Aaba?" She pleaded completely restless. He nodded grimly and walked to the kitchen.

"Aaba.... Is everything alright? Between you and Virat sir?" She asked softly. Kamal stiffened.

"Ha... Haan...." He stuttered awkwardly.

Sai was not convinced. She tried to dig more, But Kamal snapped at her.

"Sorry pa....." She said sadly. Kamal held her closer to him and ruffled her hair.

"Sorry beta! Am so sorry... But you won't understand certain things now.... You have to reach a certain age to understand this... Sorry beta..." He apologised.

His cryptic answers made her confused and worried. She nodded with uncertainty and walked to her room.

At night,

Sai was contemplating whether she should call him.... Or not. The sane part of her brain restricted her from calling. But when did she even start listening to it?

Every single cell of her body decided to rebel against the brain as she took her phone and messaged him.

S: I want to talk to you.

She sent the message and closed her mobile throwing it on the bed. She saw the dark clouds enveloping the sky preparing for a downpour. A few minutes later, her phone pinged.

V: Sai.... Not now.

S: Please Virat sir. Please.

A moment later, her phone ringed.

Virat sir!

"Sai?" He called her softly only to unleash the angry goddesse in her.

"How dare you Virat sir?! How dare you?!!"

"What did I do Sai?" He asked in worry and confusion.

"Re-read your message that you sent to me." She replied in a mad fury. He realised why she was hella angry. He shouldn't have used the "death" analogy there. Giving a dramatic sigh..... He tried to calm the fiery woman who's blasting him in call.

"Don't you dare say words like that! Or else.... I will personally come and kill you!" She warned while he agreed like an innocent disciple.

"How're you Sai? All okay there? How's Kamal sir?" He bombarded her with questions.

"Everyone's fine.... Aaba is kinda angry at you, I guess. I don't know why." She said sadly. Virat could sharply realise why he was angry at him. So he decided to stay silent.

Major step... To impress father before impressing the daughter. He made a mental note on this.

"It's raining here Virat sir! I enjoyed walking on a rainy road...." She said with a glean.

"Enjoy! But please don't fall sick."

"Don't you know? Doctors don't get sick!" She said mischievously. Virat knew what was coming.... But he couldn't help but advise her not to get drenched. Though his words have no impact on his rain princess.... He couldn't see her sick. So this was a precautionary measure from his side.... To advise her. Her side was to not to heed his advices and do as her wish.

"Sai.... I've to go. Bye."

"Say.... Will see you again!!!" She demanded.

"Okay meri maa!!! Will see you soon. Byee!" He cut the call leaving a content Sai on other side.

She kept her mobile by the bed side table and looked outside. It was now raining you its full glory with bright flashes of lightning and rumbling thunder.

The beautiful cocktail-blue shade was beginning to darken into gravel-grey. She walked outside the balcony door. She got the first splatter of rain when she was halfway across the balcony. The warm winds in the morning are now cold rainy winds carrying the fresh smell of wet soil and moisture.

Everything looks beautiful in rains..... So was she. She closed her eyes as she stood under the dark blanket of clouds enjoying each drop falling on her soft skin.


Precap: When the disaster strikes.

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Will meet soon.

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