Chapter 8

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we got into sarah's car and she started driving.

we soon arrived to this beautiful house after about 20 minutes.

"omg sarah it's beautiful."

"thankyou sweetheart."

we got out of the car and went inside the house. it was fucking huge. different pieces of art hung up in the wall. the house was nice and clean and smelt like lavender.

"i'll take you to your room."

we went through a few hallways and reached my room. she opened the door. it has a king size bed, a beautiful makeup vanity, a massive closet, a huge ass window. it was ready better than my room at 'home'.

"We can go and get some stuff to decorate and we'll get you some new clothes and things you would need tomorrow."

"okay thankyou sarah. i don't know how i can repay you."

"aww sweetheart, you don't need to repay me silly. Why don't you get settled in and i'll go and make us something to eat."

"u-um im fine, i had food before."

"oh what did you have?"


"look y/n i know that you struggle to eat, but please can you just try and eat something for me. Even if it's something light."

"i can't"

"please honey, even if it's something as light as a couple of crackers."

"i can't."

"please, for me. you'll make yourself ill and i don't want my girl to end up in hospital."

at this point i was a wreck. i couldn't help but cry.

"oh sweetheart, i didn't mean to make you cry. Look i'm really sorry okay, but i just care about you that's all."

"you do?" i say whilst wiping my nose on my sleeve.

"of course i care honey."

"can i give you a hug?"i asked
"you don't need to ask darling." she said embracing me into a warm,tight hug.

"i'll try." i said looking up at her.

"try what sweetheart?"she said pulling away from the hug.
"some crackers."
"i'm so proud of you honey." she said combing my hair with her fingers.

we both walked towards the kitchen, i sat at the table whilst sarah was preparing a few crackers for me.

"here you go sweetie. i'm not expecting you to eat them all but at least try and have a couple for me."


i grabbed sarah hand, picking up the crackers with my other. my hand started to shake as i brought it nearer my mouth.

"you can do it honey."

i placed part of the cracker in my mouth and but down only taking the corner off. i started chewing but my throat felt like it was closing, my eyes were leaking but i managed to swallow it.

"well done sweetheart i'm so proud of you. Do you think you could have another bite for me?"

i softly nodded my head and took another bite. this time it felt a bit easier, i managed to eat a whole cracker and the corner of my second cracker.

"sweetheart i can't explain how proud of you i am, thankyou. do you think you could have anymore?"

i softly shook my head no.

"okay that's completely fine."

she stood up and took the plate away, i actually felt quite proud of myself, i felt like i accomplished something.

"i know i said i would take you to get stuff for your room tomorrow but because it's quite early do you want to go now instead but we can still go tomorrow aswell if you'd like?"

"yes please, i'd like that."

"okay sweet tooth go and get your jacket and we'll go."


i grabbed my jacket and waited by the front door for sarah. a couple minutes later she walked towards the door, grabbed her keys and we headed out to the car.

after about 25 minutes we finally arrived at the store. we grabbed a cart and started shopping.

we grabbed plants, a new duvet, clothes, pyjamas, underwear, a record player, records,makeup, anything you could imagine. of course i felt guilty as i had no money to pay for it, so i offered to pay her back once i got myself some money somehow.

"don't be silly, you don't have to pay me back,you live with me now."

"are you sure, i can g-"
"100% sure sweetheart." she said cutting me off.
"okay, thankyou."

we payed, we'll sarah payed for the items and we headed home.
"thankyou for today, i don't think i've ever been this happy."
"it's okay darling, you deserve to be happy." she said stroking my arm, in a loving matter.

we got out of the car, grabbing the bags and heading back inside.

"why don't you go and put your bags upstairs and i'll put a movie on for us."

"okay. oh sarah?"
"thankyou for this. thankyou for all of this."
"no problem sweetheart. don't be to long."
she said smiling and then walked away.

i placed the bags on my bedroom floor and ran downstairs. "hey sweetheart. have you put your stuff away?"she asked. "yeah, i'm just gonna unpack my stuff tomorrow. i just wanna be with you tonight."
"okay honey. What movie do you wanna watch?"
"can we watch the heat."
"of course darling."

we watched about half of the movie before sarah got a phone call.

"one second sweetheart i've just gotta take this."

"okay."i said, watching her walk towards the kitchen.

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