Chapter 26

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nervous was an understatement to how i was feeling, i hadn't seen sarah in such a long time. i was so scared that sarah would realise how much she didn't need me, yes i know i left but i can't say i didn't miss her. i was just hoping we could talk things out and then we can go back to how thing were, happy.

a couple minutes later i heard a knock at the door, butterflies were forming in my stomach as i got closer to the door. as soon as i opened the door, i felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me, i missed this. "oh sweetheart you don't understand how much i missed you." sarah said, tears forming in her eyes. "i missed you too, so much." i said balling my eyes out. "should we get going sweetheart?" she asked, pulling away from the hug. "y-yeah" i replied, still nervous.

the car journey wasn't as awkward as i imagined it to be, it was filled with laughter and love, just what i wanted. we soon arrived at the little cafe, it's was really peaceful and calm, there was no paparazzi around so i was very happy about that. i just wanted to make the most of the time i had with sarah, i mean i didn't know if i was gonna see her after this, who knows, she'll probably realise how much of a burden i am. she probably doesn't want me back, i bet she took me here to tell me that she doesn't want me anymore, i mean i-. "y/n what's are you think about in that little head of yours?" she asked, pulling me from my thoughts. "oh um- nothing, just trying to think of what i want to order/" i nervously chuckle.

"hmm, i'm thinking PANCAKES." she exclaimed, making me laugh. "you know what i was thinking the exact same thing." i replied still laughing. "we'll they do say great minds think alike." she replied. the waitress soon came over and took our orders, i could sense the nervousness in the atmosphere. "so um, have you got anymore acting jobs lately." i asked breaking the awkward silence. "oh um, well i got asked to do another season of ahs, but other than that no i haven't." she said sadly. i know she loves ahs with her whole heart but i can tell she just wants to do something different. "oh well hopefully something will come up soon. how's holland?" i asked.

"um that's what i need to tell you." sarah said sadly. "what?" i asked. "um we broke up." sarah said as a small tear fell down her cheek. "oh. um i-i'm sorry." i said shocked. "it's fine sweetheart, we both agreed on it. we realised that it wasn't quite working and that the whole relationship was kinda rushed. we're just taking a bit of a break for now, that's all." sarah said sadly, staring at the table not blinking once. "well i'm here for you." i said placing my hand on top of hers. sarah looked at me sweetly, wiping the remaining tear on her cheek.

"how's everything been living at sandy and cates house?" sarah asked me, changing the subject. "um it's been okay. i still have my days, well quite a lot actually. sometimes i just feel like i'm alone and that i'm just living with no purpose in life." i said staring into space. "hey honey, you shouldn't be thinking like that. you have so much to look forward too and you are never alone. just like i always promised you, i'm always and i mean always gonna be here for you darling. i wouldn't be the same person without you, your like my mini me." sarah said smiling at me, stroking my hand. "oh, that's reminds me i have a really important question for you. you don't have you answer if you don't want to and i especially don't want you to feel pressured into making a decision, okay sweetheart?" sarah asked nervously. "o-okay." i said nervously, nodding my head. my heartbeat was increasing and panic was coursing through my body.

"um well here it goes. would you like to move back in? it can be like the good old times, yknow? you and me. i miss you so much y/n, it's really hasn't been the same whilst you haven't been home. even when it was just holland and i at the house, i still felt like a certain part of me was missing. i just stared at sarah, mouth open, eyes wide

"like i said sweetheart this is completely up to you and you don't have to say yes just to make me happy."


A/N: i am so incredibly sorry that i haven't posted for a month. my mental health has been really bad lately and school has been really stressful as i've had exams and we've got a new headteacher who is a complete bitch. so i am so sorry for that. let me know some suggestions you guys have and once again i am so so sorry ☹️

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