Chapter 23

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after i ended the call, i got up and started packing my stuff. "y/n what are you doing?" mina asked me confused. "sarah clearly doesn't want me around anymore, so i'm leaving." i said still furiously packing. "honey, you know that's not true. sarah loves you, you've practically changed her life." mina said softly. "we'll that's funny because if she did i wouldn't be doing this right now, would i?!" i slightly yelled. bad idea.

"well maybe if you have her a chance to fucking explain herself, then no you probably wouldn't be in this position would you?!" mina shouted. "how the fuck would you know, huh? it's not like you know what it's like being second choice is it? people only want me when they've got nothing better to do,when they want something, when they have no one. i'm always last choice and i'm fucking sick of it!" i yelled, loosing my shit. "hone-" "i'm going to sandys" i said interrupting her.

i grabbed my suitcase and set off to sandy and cates. they lived a few miles away, so it was gonna be a pretty long journey. just as i was about to walk out the door mina called after me. "y/n, please i'm sorry for shouting, im just worried about you." she said tears streaming down her face. "yeah, i'm worried about me too." i said sadly. "get in the car and i'll drive you there, it's the least i can do." she said placing her warm hand on my cheek. "o-okay." i sniffled.

we got in the car and after a silent 20 minutes drive, we finally arrived outside. mina placed her hand on my cheek again and said "you know if you need anything, you can always come to me." "i know. i'm really sorry about before i didn't mean to burst out like that. i don't know what came over me, im really sor-" i said sadly before mina interrupted. "hey honey, it's okay. we all hit our limits, im the one who should be saying sorry, okay? i shouldn't of lashed out at you like that. i just want you too be happy that's all." she said sadly. "no i'm sorry okay. let's just leave it at that. i love you wilhelmina venable, so incredibly much." i said placing a light kiss to her lips. "and i love you y/n y/l/n, so much more." she said kissing my lips a couple more times, before helping me with the bags.

i knocked on the door to be greeted with a very tired cate. "hey y/n/n, what are you doing here? is everything okay?" she asked. "um not really, i was just wondering if i could stay at your place for a few days?" i asked sadly. "of course you can. you know your always welcome here." she said smiling. "thankyou." i replied with a slight smile. "no problem honey, now get your butt in here before you freeze." she said chuckling.

i walked into the living room, placing my suitcase down by the sofa. "hey, why don't you sit down whilst i make us some tea?" cate asked. "okay, that would be nice, thankyou." i said smiling. a couple minutes later cate returned with two cups of tea, and placed them on the coffee table.

"so what's happened honey?" cate asked. "well um, i kinda left. i just didn't feel wanted anymore. sarah is spending so much time with holland it's like she forgot i was there. she left for new york and didn't even tell me until i called her. she said that it was an early christmas present from holland but even holland has been weird with me. she saw my cuts from when i relapsed and practically laughed at me, she stole my birthday presents that i got for sarah, she gave her them and said they were from her. i just feel like i'm in the way of their relationship, so i did what was best and left." i said sadly. "hey honey, you are not in the way, by the sounds of things sarah's just to fucking stupid to see how it's making you feel." cate said a little angry. "i told her i was leaving but i didn't tell her i was staying here." i said quietly. "it's okay, i'll let her know your here but if you don't want to see her that's your choice." cate said wrapping her arm around me. "o-okay, i don't even know what i want to do anymore..."

A/N: im sorry that i haven't posted in a few days, school has just been really stressful at the moment but hopefully i'll be posting a bit more 🙏 remember to leave suggestions of what you want to see next. i hope you are all enjoying the book so far 😊

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