Prologue - The Beginning

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Authors note: The picture attached is what Padwan Rysa Keen looked like

This Story happened a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, Nothing can be done to change it. it's a story of love and loss, of brotherhood, sisterhood and betrayal. Of courage, of sacrifice and the death of dreams. it's a story of a blurred line between our best and our worst. it is the story of the end of a age.

The strange things about stories, though it all happened so long ago, so far away, that words can't describe the time nor the distance's. 

It's also happening right now 

Right here. 

As Jedi, we are keepers of the peace; we were never supposed to be soldiers; we were never meant to be in a never-ending war created to switch the balance of power in the universe.

We were also never supposed to form attachments or fall in love, but we did, and I say we because I was not the first and will never be the last.

I wish I could tell my younger self to run away and return home to Mandalore, but that's impossible. Even if I probably wouldn't have listened, I was too stubborn, too young to understand; I wouldn't have meant Anakin, Master Obiwan, Master Cara, Korva; I wouldn't have met Ashoka or Rex.

We can't change the past, but we can change the fate of our future. If we're going to do that, I have to take you back to the beginning—my Beginnings.

"Master Qui Gon and Padwan Kenobi, thank you for the past year," says Duchess Satine as she rests on the throne in the main hall. Both Master and Padwan bow politely to the Duchess. Obi-wan looked slightly defeated but not voicing his opinions at the time.

"As thanks and a show of good faith for the alliance, we have a gift for the Jedi Order and the Republic."

The two men look at each other as guards bring out a small child, a girl no older than three; she has dirty blonde hair and golden eyes, looking toward the men with interest but caution.

"What is this?" Qui Gon raises an eyebrow towards the Duchess and the young child. The Duchess brings the girl to her, having her stand before the two men and her.

"She is Rysa Keen; she was found defending her home in the attacks," she says, pausing, letting the men think for a moment, "using the force."

"she is a force user?" Obi-wan asks with disbelief, "There hasn't been a Mandalorian Force user." Satine Interrupts her old friend with a hand. "Yes, Obiwan, it's been a very long time."

"She lost her parents in the Civil War; we thought she would be better off with the Jedi. Rather, here, she might not be looked upon kindly."

The men look at each other and then towards the young girl with her shoulders hunched, holding herself a little but approaching the men carefully.

Obiwan bends down to the girl, saying, "Hello Rysa, My name is Obi-wan Kenobi, and this is Qui Gon; we're gonna take good care of you."

Rysa scrutinizes the two men before entering Obi-Wan's arms, wrapping her tiny arms around her neck, allowing the blonde short-haired man to pick her up.

"Thank you" is all she says, making the two men smile. Qui Gon nods to the Duchess before walking away, allowing the two other adults a moment.

"thank you, Duchess."

"no, Thank you, Padwan. May we see each other again very soon."

The two smile at each other before the padawan turns, walking out of the hall with the young girl, not seeing the look of sadness on the Duchess's face.

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