Chapter 9 - That was Wizard

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"I hate this planet," I mutter as I wander through the palace or temple. It's dark and moldy. The smell surrounding the entire building is almost suffocating, keeping the secrets and horrors from escaping. Resting should be the top priority, which Anakin and Ahsoka are currently doing with the young Hutt. Keeping watch is the second top priority; knowing that someone else is in the temple and not just the droids keeping my unease, I volunteered to patrol and keep watch.

Stopping in my place, feeling something in the back of my mind, almost like a warning, the same feeling from earlier. The darkness, someone is here, someone with such anger and hate. I start to turn back when the whole palace shakes, making me hold out my arms to keep myself from falling. Bringing my arm closer to my face, I start to use the comm when my heart aches, almost a physical pain making me hold my chest; something terrible is happening.


My mind races as I sprint down the hall towards the main hanger where I left my boys; I shouldn't have left them, Jesse, Kix, Hardcase. They're all in danger, and I went them for some stupid slug; If Cara were here, she would have scolded me for this. Obi-wan would tell me to follow the mission.

"Anakin, something is wrong," I yell into my comms as I race through the halls, hearing Anakin about to say something as my comms are interrupted as I enter the main hangar.

"Rysa, come in," halting immediately, hearing Rex's voice, but it's almost forced; the strict captain also never calls me Rysa in public, only General. "We've held the droids, sir; what's your location?"

Taking off down the hall, my heart beats rapidly as my mind goes to many different places; Ventress has my captain and boys. If any of them are hurt or worse...

Shaking my head, not even wanting to think about it. When I hear Anakin on the other side, "Rye, we have to get the Hutt out of here."

Crouching from my position, I glance around the corner and see Ventress with other droids in the hangar, my eyes land on Rex, who seems unconscious across the room, counting the main hangar doors as exit one and a hallway across from me on the other side of Ventress as exit 2.; The hallway I'm sitting in now would be exit 3. 

"You have to go without me," I hear Anakin sigh at me on the other end of the comms. "Rysa was not leaving you with Ventress and those droids."

"I'm not leaving our men; we have a mission; you and our padawan will take care of it" I press into the comms watching Ventress as she orders the droids around, "I won't leave him."

There's a long pause on the comms before I hear from Anakin again, "May the force be with you, sister."

"And you stubborn ass."

Hearing the man chuckle a little before I rest my arm and take a deep breath, wrapping my hair around a leather string and gripping my lightsaber tightly. Memories of my fight with Dooku come up in my mind, but I shake them. That was almost a year ago, a year ago a lot of my friends had perished, a year ago that I faced a sith lord for the first time. A lot has changed since then.

"you must be Ventress."

The assassin turns around quickly, eyes flaring like flames, The energy now shifted to something much darker throughout the room, but I shove it down my worries. Giving the woman a smirk, "you're taller than Anakin gave you credit for."

"General Rysa Keen, I presume," she says, crossing her arms, her tattoos along her face moving in an unsettling way. "Your reputation precedes you, as well as your beauty.

Heat rises into my cheeks as I cough, trying to change the subject now though I did start that one, "You're not getting the Hutt."

"Or what? you're going to stop me."

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