Chapter 12 it's time for us to leave her

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Author's Note: sorry it's been so long since I updated but I'm really excited for this arc, ya'll have no idea, I hope ya'll enjoy! listen to the Sea shanty that's featured in this chapter, I linked the video above.

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I thought I heard the Old Man say

"Leave her, Johnny, leave her."

Tomorrow ye will get your pay

And it's time for us to leave her

Time goes by quickly when you are at war, the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months. It will almost be a year since this mess started, Stuck on Kamino with only the Kaminoans to keep you company, an unempathetic race that to me is heartless, only wanting growth and pursuit in science to feed their lives. Now they face death at every corner and though I try to make the most out of their lives it's still hard.

Looking towards the door of my quarters where Echo left moments ago from our weekly briefings. We usually drink tea recommended by Obi-wan that we find from different worlds and 'gossip' about ship life. Echo helps me understand things that the men might not want to talk about with me; The struggles of war that I as a Jedi might not grasp, this way I can help better their time as my men. This is also a time when we share the dramas we face in our legion. How Fives struggles to make friends with certain shinies because he scares them off with his forwardness. I tell him how Anakin will throw tantrums when the council won't send us on certain missions because strategically it would be impossible.

We talk about the closeness that Obi-wan has with Commander Cody and leave it to the interpretation of what that closeness might entail which always makes us laugh. How when Rex gets pissed he has a certain walk about him that makes the shinies shrink in fear and the veterans steer clear. When Ahsoka sneaks cups of caf from the cafeteria even though Anakin and I both told her no because she's hyperactive as it is. It's a great couple of hours that we both enjoy in the chaoticness of our lives.

Leave her, Johnny, leave her

Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her

For the voyage is long, and the winds don't blow

And it's time for us to leave her

After my tea break with Echo, I did my rounds around the ship checking on the different departments, like engineering, Medical, and operations. Passing by the cafeteria, a melody makes its way to my ears making me look in that direction, seeing the cafe filled with my men all sitting and surprisingly singing together. No music fills the space, only the sound of similar voices all in harmony, singing a shanty I only have heard being sung with one other group in my life.

Oh, the wind was foul and the sea ran high

Leave her, Johnny, leave her

She shipped it green and none went by

And it's time for us to leave her

Leave her, Johnny, leave her

Oh, leave her, Johnny, leave her

For the voyage is long and the winds don't blow

And it's time for us to leave her

Seeing Jesse and Fives in the center conducting the mass of troopers to sing makes me smile. Echo has his arm wrapped around Five's shoulder and Hardcase and Kix are on Jesse's side. Dogma stands with Denal, Cordic, Hawk, and the others a little farther but here they are all together. Warmth fills me, a warmth that spreads through my body similar to when Anakin walks into a room. Sighing I finish my rounds making my way to the bridge where I find Rex and Admiral Yularen conversing quietly so the bridge crew couldn't hear them.

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