Chapter 15 - Profit Obviously

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AN:  Hey, lovelies, We are so close to finishing the Arcadia arc, and I'm excited to move passed and continue with the story. This has been so much. 

Link to the original artist for the picture of fives <3 

What was the one thing Cara told me never to do... to get captured, never let them catch you. It gives the enemy too much control.

Well, we got captured.

Tumbling through the vents, we fall into the control room; lucky for us, it was deserted, for now at least. Racing to the panel, I start typing, searching for the ship's layout, where the younglings are being held.

"So what's the play?" Korva says her lightsaber is ready to protect my back as I frantically type.

"The children are being held in storage containers in the cargo hold; if we hurry, we can get the kids, then get out of here," I say, quickly downloading the data to my wrist comms so I can follow the map before Korva turns to me "that wasn't part of the plan."

"The plan was for us to get kidnapped ourselves so they'd take us to Arcadia, but we learned so much about arcadia to go there without our masters," my voice was stern as I unplugged my wrist comms heading to the door just as the door opens.

Two males entered the room, one taller and one shorter, looking more like pirates than nobility to me. Korva looks at me as she hands from a pip in the ceiling, starting to count as I aggressively mouth her no as I rub my nose and point to my ear, trying to tell her to plan 56. To my dismay, she let go jumping on the first guy and hitting him in the back of the head with her lightsaber, making me sigh jumped down, grabbed the taller man from behind, and knocked him out.

"Can't you ever let us do anything easy" I whisper to her as she chuckles a little, heading for the door. Arcadian thugs cross the hall as we slip past, heading for the cargo hold, the ship in itself wasn't huge, and the cargo hold wasn't that big either; finding the container wasn't rugged; the size of the box would have to be too hold smaller younglings would have to be a quarter the size of the room.

Igniting my single saber, I push it through the middle of the doors, sliding it down til it cuts the deadbolts open. Korva, with a strained look on her face, pulls the doors open, seeing fifty or something kids huddled together, all of different species and ages.

Turning my saber off, I rush to them, putting a finger over my mouth and quitting them as Korva scouts the room and finds a way out. As the ship lurches, my stomach drops a little; cursing a little, I turn to them. "It's going to be okay, we're Jedi, and we're going to get you all out of here," I say quietly as footsteps sound behind me. "Korva, did you find a way out?" I ask, turning around, but my grip on my lightsaber tightens as three men stand in the entrance, the one closest to me holding a knife to Korvas's throat, which has a worried look on her face.

"Can we go over the plan one more time?" Echo asks as he buttons his Formal looking cloak as I finish braiding my hair in a crown around my head. The other boys near us also finished with their attire gifted and requested for return by Hondo because otherwise, we need to pay for the formal attire.

"The auction is by invitation only because Hondo helped close the ring the first time. He technically didn't get an invite, but a couple of informants did, so we forged some for all of us," I say as Rex takes one of the invitations into his hand, the paper crinkling in his touch. His eyes scan the page, and his brow scrunched,

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