Chapter 13 - Should have invited Hawk

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Hey, guys here's another chapter for y'all, This is the first to dedicate a couple of chapters to only original writing so please leave a like and comment and let me know what y'all think of this Arc. 

"Rye Rye!" 

         My robe flares behind me as I turn to see Korva running to me; I stand waiting as she runs down one of the smaller corridors of the temple, a smile on her face matching mine. The tan Twilek collides with me almost knocking the two of us over, a burning laugh escapes us echoing down the hall. 

         Her arms wrapped around mine holding us steady, her warmth seeping through the robes I wore making me take her hand gently leading her down the hall. She pulls on my arm stopping us as I try to race us down the hall making me look at her. A frown now replaced the giddy smile that once was there making me stop as well. 

         "Something has happened? The council meeting?" she questions me making me look down, she notices my bag and robe now. "They assigned you a mission?" 

"The council deemed it necessary that you join me as well," I tell her my voice not carrying the excitement it was moments ago. A wide grin finds her face again as she jumps up and down, the excitement flooding the force, but my face remains the same. 

       "It's dangerous Kori, these guys take kids and they disappear without a trace" I pull her to me, her hand resting on my shoulder and the other in my hand. The twilek gives me a look as she walks down the corridor to the shuttle bay where I already packed a bag for Kori because she'd be so excited she'd forget. 

      "We're Jedi, we can handle anything" She expresses swinging our arms as we walk making me give her a look "Besides It's me and you, we can do anything". 

      Walking into the Jedi's hangar where they have simple shuttles, many only being able to carry 2 people at once. A master and Apperienctace. those Shuttles would work for us but we already had our ship. Korva runs to the open bay doors standing in front her arms on her hips smiling at me. 


      Rex stands with a small bag of his own next to Jesse, Fives, and Echo as they watch me, standing in front of our ship. My grip tightens on my bag, the image of Korva with her toothy grin standing next to rex with her arm on his shoulder and the other on her hip. She would be here, she should be here, this was her mission to complete with me, But she's not and I have to do this without her. 

        My feet carry me to the ships bay doors where the boys stand to meet me "This is a nice ship sir, an ETA- Class shuttle" Jesse says trying to lighten the mood a little getting a jab from Jesse "Can't you just call it a Jedi ambassador ship, that's what everyone else does". 

      "It's named the Centauri " My voice comes out low "Anakin, Korva and I use to share it in our padawan years for missions" the boys don't move as I step into the ship looking at them. It wasn't used as much since Anakin has the Twilight now with Ahsoka and I don't enjoy flying. I wanted to do this by myself but if you're all here then that probably won't happen" their expressions harden as I continue speaking "this isn't an official mission everything we do once we leave this ship off the record is probably illegal to do you all understand?". 

"Sir yes sir"

       Rex doesn't answer with the rest of the boys but looks to me and I to him "Rex I have to do this but you don't and neither does the rest of you". The captain looks down a line forms in his brow as he concentrates on trying to decide, I feel the turmoil he has from here. Breaking the rules more so than normal, risk being court marshaled for what we might do. 

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