Chapter 16 - Operation Arcadia

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AN: Hello, everyone, This took a lot longer to write than I thought, and The outcome could have been better, but I hope y'all enjoy; please like, and comment

Chains and shackles, that's what I awoke to in a dark, damp cell; chains connected to the wall, chains that had engravings edged into the metal, making the shackles feel heavier than they were. Something powerful clicked the chains, not allowing me a connection to the force, not able to unlock the cuffs or the door.

It felt like hours of sitting in that cell, maybe days, with no windows, guards, no light, only myself. Thinking that my first mission without my master's was a complete fail. I Should have given the council the information we had and let the government handle the rest, but no, we had to save the children and be the story's heroes.

Sitting in the dark, chains cutting into my wrist, I felt like no hero, no person worthy of calling themselves a Jedi.

A fraud

Someone pretending to be the story's hero that Kori and I had our moment, the moment that the council would see we were worthy to be knights someday to travel the galaxy and help those in need.

The anger I felt was like nothing I had ever felt; ashamed, that's what I felt. I felt ashamed of that. Those people may have deserved that anger, but I didn't deserve to give it; I should have processed the situation and handled it accordingly.

So many whats Ifs, A true Jedi knight wouldn't reminisce on the what-ifs but continue to move forward, but I'm no Jedi knight; I'm a stupid padawan that got her and her partner captured, tortured, sold, and now forgotten to time in the darkness of a planet that no one will look for.

I'd like to know what my buyer wants, A young padawan, to ransom me to the republic for three times the amount he bought me for. No, because the Arcadian snobs could have done that, but they sold me to them instead.

Panic runs through me, knowing what that man wants, what I, as a Jedi, could do for him, the millions of things I could do. Disgust fills me; how could I let this happen? How could I fail this low?

"Calm down. I can feel yourself wallowing from the other side of the building."

My head snaps up, and a slight silhouette stands in front of the bars; standing on shaky legs, the door flies open, and my tan Twilek strolls in. The second she gets in my proximity, I pull her into my arms; she lets out a breath as I squeeze her, not believing she's standing before me.

"yeah yeah, I've missed you too, you big dope. " Let me see those cuffs," Kori says, looking away at my hands.

"How did you escape? Where did they put you? Did they hurt you" The questions were coming quicker than I could speak them? My voice came out rasped and quiet, with no water, no food for days, and no speaking for that long.

"They put me at the other side; I managed to sweet-talk a guard to come close enough to take him out."

"How did you find me."

"I asked him very nicely."

The malice in her voice said otherwise, but I wouldn't bring it up; Kori gets her way by any means necessary. It's one of the things I love about her.

"The man in the green suit, his name is Faunus, and he's the head honcho here; he seemed to take a liking to you," she said, a frown on her face as she stopped messing with the cuffs looking towards me.


By the Echo of his steps, a man showing more weight and height, a heeled shoe, so probably someone with money; the steps aren't fast, so he's not in any rush, meaning he doesn't know Kori is out.

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