Chapter 7: The Battle of Christophsis

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Authors note: Hey everyone, sorry it's been a bit, I've been horribly busy with school and lost motivation for a little but but like and comment, let me know what you think. Aslo should Rysa get a padawan? let me know what you think. 

With every victory, there seems to be twice as many losses; the war continues to push on even with the efforts of the Republic and Jedi Order. The separatist appears to be getting smarter,, or maybe that's just Count Dooku; who knows, but I'm losing more men by the day,, which is unacceptable. More and more planets are starting to side with the separatist,, which seems baffling to me; the republic is always there for its people to side with such an evil as the separatist is insane. 

After several days of fighting nonstop,, Obiwan, Anakin,, and I's forces took the planet of Christophsis, we're currently waiting on relief supplies for our men and the wounded. 

"Kix, keep me updated on the wounded; Jesse goes over the armory and make sure we have enough ammo,  Denal," I command as we hear explosions in the distance, making me sigh as I run over to Kenobi and Anakin. 

"I told you this victory was too easy; we should have never sent the ship back for supplies," Obiwan says; ask Ankin, and I look at him as our troopers run towards the chaos. "It wasn't my idea to send the ship back," Ankin says. Now both men are looking towards me as I scuff a little "Why are both of you looking at me, we needed supplies, and no one else was giving helpful orders." 

"It will be fine," Obiwan says as Anakin gives him a look. "Why don't you ever yell at her? This was her fault." Hitting Ankin on the back of the head, I smile at Obiwan. "It's because he loves me more than you." 

"Now you too, we have more important things to take care of; we have a second wave incoming," Obiwan says as my smile disappears. "Rex grabs come men and follow me," Anakin says as Rex turns to me a little before I nod in approval. Rex is a good man. Though Anakin and I have been leading the 501st now for over two months together, he still makes sure that I approval of Skywalkers plans. Even if I don't, I usually still allow them; Rex's loyalty is impressive as well as the rest of the 501st, but I have to let Anakin know that his opinion and orders do matter, that he is a general to them just as much as I am. 

"Cody battle formations," Obi-wan says as I find Jesse and Hardcase running to me, making me smile "Alright, let's go boys." 

Obi-Wan says back a little as he deflects blaster shots, but my goal is to protect my men; I deflect shots and run at the droids slicing and pulling them to me with force plunging my green blade through them. 

After a few minutes, we become overrun, making me fall back to the blonde-haired man, the both of us blocking shots for our men. 

"Where's Ani?" I yell to him, but he continues, "He knows the plan." 

he doesn't have a plan 

We're going to die 

Anakin drops in from one of the already disabled droid walkers, starting to take them out, making me smile. "Push!" 

We push the droids taking them out, but troopers fall left and right, Obi-wan and I do our best to keep the line, but more and more droids show up. 

"We need reinforcements," I yell to Obiwan as Anakin takes the last droid walker and lands next to us. "We can't get through to the Admiral." 

Panic starts to set in when the droids begin to pull back, making me shocked. "They're pulling back." 

I turn and see Kix with some of his medics run towards us. "Kix, help the wounded; it probably won't be long till the next wave is on us." 

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