Chapter 3 - The situation is completely under control

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Authors note, Hello everyone; here is the chapter, and I hope you enjoy it; please like and comment

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Authors note, Hello everyone; here is the chapter, and I hope you enjoy it; please like and comment. The attached image is concept art I drew of Master Jedi General Cara Vou; if you want to see how her story begins, please check out my other book, "the start of something new." Anyway, please enjoy the rest of the chapter, and May the force be with you. 

"Hello master, It's been a while." 

I hug my Master Cara Vou tightly as she hugs me back, a smile on her face. My Master is a Togoruta with white and purples stripes covering montrols and head tails; Her skin is more orange-brown with white marking covering her face and arms. she pulls away from the hug, looking over my shoulder at the troopers behind me "and who are these fine gentlemen." 

"Master, these are the fine men of the 501st, Captian rex, Lieutenant Jesse, Denal, Hardcase, and Kix, to name a few; Troopers, this is Jedi Cara Vou, my master" I introduce each other. Both groups say pleasant before my Master takes Rex, Jesse, and I into a small tent where Master Obi-wan, Anakin, and two other clone troopers, which makes me smile. Rushing over to the Master and padawan, I hug them both, earning a smile from the "Master, Ani, It's so good to see the both of you." 

"Rysa, it's been so long," Obi-wan says, hugging me back then letting Anakin have a turn, the taller padawan hugging me tightly. "I have missed you, little sister; how have you been, Rye? Leadership looks good on you," he asks as our masters talk to the troopers behind us. 

"I have been well, the command has been something to get used to, but enough about me, I hear you have been causing trouble for Obi-wan," I say, crossing my arms as he scratches the back of his neck. "I had a tussle with a sith apprentice." 

"who was she?" I ask more seriously, uncrossing my arms glancing at the others, making sure we aren't missing anything vital. 

"Not sure, a user of the dark side, an assassin," he says, making me raise an eyebrow, feeling something dark come from him but ignore it for now as my Master calls for my attention. 

"Rye, this is commander Navi and Commander Cody; they're a part of the 212th Legion and the 420th Legion, "My Master says as I turn and bow to them. "It's a pleasure; now, Master, you didn't bring me across the galaxy for a reunion; what's all this about?"

She pulls up the holo map as everyone gathers around; I stand next to my captain and lieutenant, giving them a smile as my Master explains what's going on. "My legion and Obi-wan's were dealing with a situation when we got asked to help rescue five other Jedi from a Sepertiest general that wielded lightsabers," she said, pausing, watching our reactions as I look at her, shocked. 

"Another sith lord?" 

"no, from what we observed, he's mostly mechanically leaving not much of the flesh to feel the force," Obi-wan says, hand on his chin which I subconsciously copy, making my captain and lieutenant smile at each other, holding in a laugh. 

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