Chapter 2 - Maybe I can teach you something as well

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"Master, I promise I'm okay; Commander kix is the best Medic that the Republic armory has, and he says I'll make a full recovery," I say into the hologram at my Master Cara and Master Obi-wan. They had to deal with a droid attack and a flaky Anakin, but what else is new at this point. 

"you should have been more careful," Obi-wan says, crossing his arms disapprovingly, making me shake my head. "The mission was a success with few casualties," I remind him, but he shakes his head disapprovingly. 

"The council said you need reinforcements?" I ask, getting up out of the hospital bed, slipping on my rob looking at the hologram "yes, we can't get past the stronghold that the droids are housing in currently. we were hoping you and your troops could lend a hand?" I hear Cara say, making me nod. 

"The council hasn't assigned us anywhere else yet, so might as well help mom and dad," I joke, both masters giving me a look, but I ignore it. 

"may the force be with you both," I tell them as they tell me the same before ending the hologram standing up and kix rushing to my side. 

"General though I said you'd make a full recovery, you still need to rest, especially if we are going to aid the other Generals...General," he says,, making me smile,, "don't worry,, kix I'll be fine; we have much to prepare if we are to aid my masters." 

Making my way to the bridge, I see Captain Rex speaking to the Admiral who looks at me when I walk in and then salutes me "general on the bridge." 

"Please, Rex, at ease; my Masters Cara Vou and Obi-wan Kenobi need are assistance on Harodite; set a course right away." 

"yes, general" 

"Well, General, it's nice to see you in good health," the Admiral says,, making me frown a little "Thank you. If you need me, I will be in my quarters meditating." 

I leave the bridge about to enter my quarters when getting something to eat sounded delicious at that moment; I make my way to the cafeteria where a room full of my troopers mingle and enjoy themselves, making me smile. The room gets quiet. Everyone looks at me, making me panic for a second ", no, please continue, Generals need to eat as well." 

The room goes back to live as I make my way to the line and wait my turn to get some dinner; though many clones did offer for me to cut and have their place, I wasn't going to have it. After getting my food, I make my way to an empty table where I eat when the seat in front of me is filled. Looking up, I see a clone with a republic symbol tattooed on his face making me smile. "Jesse, right?" 

"yes, sir, sorry I should have asked when before I sat down, but it seemed you could use some company," he says, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, my smile staying on my face. "I would love the company." 

After a minute or two, Hardcase and kix decide to join us as well, making Jesse start the conversation. "So general, we were wondering why you stayed on the planet after the explosives went off and sent Denals transport away?" Looking at him and the others, it seemed like a question playing on their minds since finding me. 

"I was blocking the blaster shots letting the troopers escape, but I got in a tussle with a Large Polarian warrior; when I say large, he looked almost 300 pounds of pure muscle" I start making the boys look at me with awe asking more questions making me laugh "by the time the explosion went off I knew I wasn't going to be able to get to the transport before the avalanche and shrapnel got to us, so it was better that I stayed and sacrificed myself than lose 30 men over me". 

"general, If I may speak out of line here," Hardcase says, making me nod for him to continue, "we're just clones, we're expendable, you're a Jedi, your the most important thing for this war." 

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