Chapter 4 - it's called Vodka, do you like it?

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"Congratulations Ani" I hug my friend, my brother, really happy about the new promotion to Jedi knight, our masters nearby seemingly beaming at each other. The taller Jedi hugs me back as our master walks to us, telling us how we need a break, and they'd let us know when our following assignments are in, making me sigh slightly in relief.  

Walking with Anakin, I notice him holding his padawan braid, making me smile "is that for Padme?" 

"what no, of course not, it's just a souvenir," he says, his cheeks bright pink making me laugh "uh-huh, and where do you think you'll be spending all this downtime? certainly not the temple studying or training". 

"I'm not an overachiever like some people." 

"big talk coming from the man who actively tries to kill every sith in his general vicinity"

"Bye Rye, see you in a couple of days."  

I cross my arms, watching him leave and shake my head; just because I don't believe that attachments are wrong doesn't mean you should be actively trying to break the rules whenever you can. That's something Ani, and I never agreed upon growing up; he got us in a lot of trouble that I didn't want any part of. 

Okay, Of course it was fun, and I had a great time, but that doesn't change the fact that the council can decide our fate at a whim and he gets away with everything because he's the "chosen one." I had the punishment of carrying Baby Grogu the youngling anywhere he wanted to go for a month. 

Yes, it was the perfect punishment, and I would do it again if I could, but that doesn't change the fact that Anakin wasn't punished, just me. 

Sighing, I decide to head into the city and expend some time; it's not every day I have time to myself, being home on Coruscant. On Coruscant, wealth increased with altitude. The lowermost levels were devoid of light and abandoned. Level 1 deemed uninhabitable and roamed with strange creatures and monsters; above them were lawless under levels—countless blocks inhabited by billions of middle-class workers. The super-towers on Level 5217 remained home to the ultra-wealthy. Furthering this class divide, citizens who lived in the upper levels could breathe air that was filtered and clean. At the same time, lower-class inhabitants were forced to breathe the air of toxic fumes from vehicular waste. As such, most visitors to Coruscant chose to bring their own air supply to last the length of their stay.

It was absolutely horrible in my mind that this planet has gotten this bad and why the republic is failing, My master would agree with me. Before she took me as a padawan she traveled throughout the galaxy, exploring and helping people the best way she could. they called her the "negotiator", I think it's funny because she never negotiated with me it was always a one-sided argument. 

I had always wondered what type of knight I would have been if I was like her, a knight before the war when we were solely peacekeepers, we were only to help when it was needed not because we were ordered or it was in the best interest of the republic. 

One of my favorite pass times as a youngling was to sneak out of the temple and explore Coruscant, I tried to stay near the top couple levels just for my safety but now that I'm older I can go much deeper. 

jumping from rooftop to rooftop, I slide down and climb pipes, keeping my robe and hood on I feel the wind and the adrenaline rush through me making me smile a little. This was my free time, this is a form of training for me, not thinking about where I'll land just letting the force guide me on where my feet touch and where my heart is telling me to go.

that's something people don't understand about the force, that the force isn't something you can control and use as a weapon that you can use on command whenever you want. Yes as a Jedi I use the force but I don't use it in a way as I control it more of it lets me use it as an extension of myself. 

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