Chapter 17 - she had a present for you

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It's only been a few days since Avalon, but Cara made me take a few days to meditate, to ground myself again. Quite frankly, I needed it.

Sitting in front of the old tree in the garden at the temple, I could almost hear the past, the feeling from the past, almost like they were next to me now. Echos almost, the anguish from Dooku, the pain he felt after Qui gon. It was so loud it screamed for years, echoing and bouncing around the force.

Meditation was always a way for me to connect with nature and things around me, a way for me to be closer to the force, but since Avalon, it feels wrong and dark. Trying to decipher where the origin is, where the darkness is coming from. If it was coming from me.

"This is a good old tree," I hear behind me, but his energy is friendly and familiar, making me smile.

"Master Plo Koon"

"Hello Rysa"

"Cara told me you had a rough couple of days," His deep voice says, his mask muffling the voice slightly and hiding his face, his face somewhat unreadable. What would Cara tell him? Did she say to the rest of the council that I don't care if I get in trouble as long as the boys aren't punished for my actions?

"I did."

The master nods, words not said but more felt; it was an understanding; Master Plo was a man. The Kel Dor had a reputation for making quick and clear distinctions between right and wrong. The Jedi often take swift, decisive action with little or no contemplation for repercussive effects. It felt like it was more of approval from him, concern.

"I know we haven't talked much since.." I know what he was going to say: Since Geonosis since Korva was murdered along with a quarter of our orders, Knights, masters, and Padawans were all gone because of a power-hungry man.

"Thank you for the rescue; you, Anakin, and Ahsoka make a powerful team; the wolf pack and I are grateful," he continues, almost trying to drag me out, drag me out of the darkness I'm falling in. Can he feel it? Can everyone feel it?

"Ahsoka would never have forgiven herself if she hadn't at least tried," I say. "Neither would have." I couldn't finish. If I didn't help Anakin and Ahsoka Rescue Plo, this was right before I left to help Cody and Rex with the outpost before we met the Domino squad and lost Heavy.

"The past can stick to us, like oil, clinging on to us. not wanting to let go, but we have to remove ourselves from it, or we will die. Drown in our type of oil". The Kel Dor says, looking towards me, trying to pull me away from the heaviness I feel.

"It's the Jedi Way," I tell him, agreeing but unable to separate the two; the Jedi Way is our way.

"It's the way of life," he says, touching my shoulder before standing and walking towards Commander Wolfe, who waited patiently.

"Rysa," Master Plo calls, making me look up. "Kori knew you would be knighted soon towards the end. She was excited for you, saying how great of an explorer you would be, discovering things she couldn't dream of".

My mouth hung agape; this was the first I had ever heard of. Kori and I dreamt of our knighthood; she was a fighter. She wanted to be an enforcer to protect the will of the force while I tried to explore and discover new things. Learn everything about space and the force.

"she had a present for you; it was supposed to be a gift to you after you were knighted," he says, making me stand, nausea turning in my body. Kori thought that much ahead; she never thought that far ahead.

"It's waiting for you in your room; she would want you to have it still," he says, turning around and walking away when I call him. His face turned to me, but I felt it, his eyes on me, and a smile started to form on my face for the first time in days.

"thank you."

I've never run faster, my feet flying off the ground to my room, the small room every Jedi has, a bed, a small closet, a nightstand, a rug, and maybe a tiny pillow for meditation.

There on the small box, on top, was a note. From her, the real her, not my memory, not my imagination, but the real her in her handwriting. The sloping font that she would use because she couldn't slow down long enough to make her script readable.

"Hey Rye,

If you see this note, you are officially a knight; congratulations; if all goes well, master plo will promote me too soon, but you know him; he gets sentimental and doesn't want to let go. This gift will help you with all the exploring and data entry you will do as a researcher and a Consular.

I love you, Rye, do not Yield; the future will prevail."

My hands shake; I have to move the note away as a sob racks my body and hot tears run down my face. The future she planned for us that I designed is gone.

I slowly reach for the box to use it, and a small light power before I hear beeping; a small droid looks at me before bouncing around, running from my arm to my shoulders before back on the table.

A BD-1 Droid

"HI," I say as it beeps, asking me who I am. If I'm Rysa, this small droid belongs to a Rysa Keen.

"I'm Rysa keen," I tell it as it deeps excitedly, putting its head in my hand, almost wanting pets; I pick up the small droid, holding it to me.

He starts asking if I'm okay and why I'm crying; I tell the small driver I'm happy he's here and that we will be good friends.

I never wanted a droid; I didn't like flying. I might be good at it, but I never liked it; I never needed a navigator or a R unit to help me but here I am with a BD unit, my droid.

BD moves to my back, beeping in my ear about information, asking me questions about what I do and who I am.

I sigh, slightly overwhelmed but happy for the first time in a while. 

word count: 1082 

Hey guys, sorry for the hiatus and how short this chapter is. I've been struggling with work, but I have a new job starting next week, so that's exciting. I also have specific chapters I want to write with plot points from the show, and I'm trying to figure out how to make it all flow together. But bear with me; in the end, you will all love how the story plays out. Or it won't depend on your look on it. :) 

- Dawn580

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