Chapter 10 - Your not just a clone, not to me

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Hey guys, sorry, it's been a minute; I graduated College and went on a half-country road trip for a bit, so that was fun, here is a super long chapter to make up for the loss of time. Let me know what ya'll think; please like and comment. 

Love you all, and thanks for all the support. 

"Space, the final frontier, these are the voyages of the starship.." 

"General, please"

 Commander Cody, Captain Rex, and I have been holding inspections of all the outposts throughout the sector. General Grievous has somehow eluded our forces, which is unacceptable; the pressure and stress this has brought Anakin, Obi-wan, Cara, and I are severe. 

Master Cara has been assisting my brother and grandmaster in capturing Grievous; When I told her and the other I would be helping the inspections, she started to argue before telling me to follow the force. I certainly am; when Rex said he was accompanying Cody on these inspections, the force turned Almost a darkness settling over both the troopers; it frighted me enough to put aside my plans of aiding my Master with the capture of the war criminal. 

"do you not like my stories, Commander?" 

We have been out in space for almost a week; the cramped space and lack of entertainment on my part have irritated both men, it seems. 

"Your stories are great, General; it's just been a long week" Rex turns to me with a sad, almost forced a smile; he's been a buffer for the Commander and me this past week. Don't get me wrong, I respect Cody beyond belief, but he's worse than Rex was when he was first assigned to me. Strict, orderly, not knowing any fun, just like his General. 

That's why I'm going to have to break him in, teach him how to have a little fun and relax once in a while like I did Rex. Which won't be a problem only took nine months for me to get Rex where he is today, probably take me the rest of the war to get Cody to relax. 

"Sorry, Just a little anxious I'm worried about Anakin and the others; he's been giving me updates but still wishes I could help more" Both men glance at each other before Cody answers, "If I may say, sir, you begged Obi-wan to let you join us on these inspections." 

"I know, Commander, I still feel it is vital that I assist you both with these; I just wish there were more of me to pass around and help out" Rex chuckles a little, raising an eyebrow. "That would be a sight to see, two General keens running around." 

"Uh, sir," Cody gives us a small smile before typing on the computer as I lean my head against the window pulling out one of my lightsabers to examine it, take it apart using the force, clean it, and put it all back together. I don't do this often, but the flight is long, and I'm not necessarily accompanied by the most conversationalist of the grand army of the republic. Rex notices my look before clearing his throat. 

Rex and Cody are best friends, though; they might not say anything about it; they were in the same squad back on Kamino. That's probably why their personality is the same almost, it's sad they weren't assigned the same legion, but they certainly got close with Anakin, me, and Obi-wan as generals. 

"General, we're approaching the outpost. Shall I attempt communication?" Cody asks me as I cross my arms, placing my saber back on my belt before looking out at the approaching moon. 

"This is your inspection, Commander. I'm just here for the ride."

"Rishi outpost, this is commander Cody" Cody scuffs a little amusingly before activating the comms. "Do you copy?" the stoic man repeats this several more times, making me frown. The outpost should have been answered immediately per protocol. 

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