Chapter 5: Downtime, is a great time

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As soon as I open my eyes, regret is the only thing I feel; Groaning, I pull the covers over my head, hearing the sink in the refresher turn off. 

"Morning General," I hear, pulling the covers down seeing my captain, which shocked me, making my eyes widen. "Rex?" 

"We're in your quarters?" I say more as a statement, but it was a question as I sat up, my head pounding and my stomach doing flips. 

The man exits the refresher wearing his blacks with an amused look on his face. "I didn't think it would have been best to drop you off at the temple." nodding, I sit up, rubbing my head. "Yeah, Master Cara would not have been happy." 

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have had to take of me; that was unprofessional of me," I tell him as he sits down in his desk chair and moves to the refresher to make myself more presentable. 

"It's alright; I do it for Jesse, Dogma, and Hardcase all the time," he mentions, still with that amused look as I exit the refresher looking more like a Jedi should. 

I put my hand on his Helmet with blue markings and some tally marks but nothing to distinguish him from the others, making an idea pop in my head. I also glance at him as he sits at his desk, looking like he is filling out reports waiting for me to make the following decisions. 

"I need some food in my stomach, or else I might lose whatever contains I have, probably some water too," I tell him as he turns around, nodding. "We should probably check up on the others as well see how they're doing." 

"May I be frank?" I ask as we leave his quarters, making sure there weren't any clones nearby to ask questions. A Jedi is going from the Captians' quarters would be scandalous on many levels. 

"Sure, Sir," Rex says, wearing his armor now, his Helmet in his hands and blasters on his hips; I wrap my arms around my back, walking with more grace, trying to present myself as the general I'm supposed to be. 

"You don't have any distinguishing tattoos or paint on your helmet," I mention to him glancing at me as I smile, taking his Helmet, his eyes widening "you only have these tally marks, which, if I'm correct, are all the victories we have had." 

"the Tallys mean a lot of things to me, but perceptive as always, General," He says, taking his Helmet back. "You know, if you don't want anything too permanent, Hair dye is a good option," I tell him as he looks at me now curious, "I think you'd be a nice blonde." 

We make it to the Barracks where the rest of our troopers are, I see Jesse and Hardcase with their heads in buckets, making me sigh, crossing my arms. "thanks for getting me to leave before I was like these two." 

"Just doing my job, general," Cap says with a grimace as we help the boys clean up and get them to bed so they can rest a little bit more before we go back to the resolute. 

"May I borrow your helmet?" I ask him as he leaves the barracks with him raising an eyebrow at me curiously but handing it to me. "I will give this back to you tomorrow; I think adding a little design will help you stand out a little bit more." 

"you don't have to do that, General," he says, shocked but a smile creeping up as I put it under my arm. "No, I want my second in command to feel important, and if that means painting his helmet, then so be it." 

"Thank you, I appreciate it," he says as we part ways so he can catch up on reports and other things; I head back to the temple where I drop off Rex's Helmet and find my Master and Anakin in the mess hall. 

"Ah, Masters, Brother," I say, sitting down next to them, setting down them with a plate full of fruit and meats; the trio looks at me as I munch on my food, noticing the stares. "What?" I ask after swallowing my food. Ankin leaning on his arm a little "Where you last night and this morning?"

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