Chapter 1 - Battle of Polaris

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Snapping out of my daze,, I remember what I was currently doing, Introducing myself to my troops, my clone battalion. Taking a deep breath, I look at my captain, who I only met minutes before, looking at me with a frown from his position beside me. From what I can tell, he's a very straightforward type of person. he doesn't bend the rules follows the prodocal that lays out for him. I can respect it but sometimes having fun is a better choice. 

God, now I sound like Anakin. 

"General, are you alright?" 

Snapping out of my thoughts once more, I let out the breath I was holding, here goes nothing "I'm General Jedi Knight Rysa Keen, y'all can just call me Rysa, I don't like titles very much." I earn a few laughs from the huge battalion in front of me, making me relax a little. 

"We all were thrown in this war, not with very much choice, but we have to make the best of the situations we receive. without us, the galaxy will be overrun with separatists, and though it sounds like they have great complimentary breakfasts, I wouldn't want to say a while." That earns me another pity laugh, making me smile. 

"I want to get to know every one of you; that will be my mission; we are a team, and hopefully someday a family. if you all will trust me, I will trust you." I say, starting to pace to the side, going completely off-script from what I had written down an hour ago. "There will be casualties, I won't lie to you; many of you won't come back from the front lines. That's why I will lead with example; when you are in danger, the heat of battle, I'll be there too. I don't expect you to do something and put your lives on the line unless I do. Many of you probably think she talks big, but will she follow through. Well, that's why I will earn your trust. Now, who's ready to kick some clankers ass!" 

The men cheer, making me smile; I glance at the captain, who has a smile on his face, glancing at me with a look of surprise almost. "Our first mission is on the planet Polaris, a Snowy mountain, barren world that so happens to house Palitoy Droid Factory; our mission is to destroy and stop it from making any more droids; we will arrive at Polaris in 7 hours, so let's get to work." 

Clones scatter everywhere, getting to their stations and getting ready for the upcoming battle, I look at the captain, I mean Rex, his name is Rex, and if the clones are expected to call me Rysa, I should call them their name as well. "captain Rex, I want to a to brief about this mission. Can you meet me in the war room with the admiral in 10 minutes?" 

"yes, sir," he says, walking off to what I assume is to get ready before heading to the bridge; I make my way up there now to debrief the admiral on my speech to the troops. It wasn't necessary, but I think them knowing who their leading commander is vital for morale and to trust my judgment as well. 

"Admiral," I greet as I enter the bridge, making the taller man turn around. "General," he says, mimicking me, making me frown a little. "we will be arriving in Polaris space in less than 7 hours; I want this ship ready, from the intel that the council gave us there will be little resistance in the air but heavily guarded on the ground." 

"Admiral, General," I hear behind me, making me turn to see Rex enter his helmet in his hands at his side. "Gentleman to the war room," I say, leading us to the room with the door shutting. "Alright, this facility is heavily guarded two main canons that we need to take out in the air or our troops will never have a chance on the ground." 

"the Resolute can take care of those, but we'll never overcome the droids and Polarians coming out of the factory to destroy it," says the admiral making me nod  

"that's the problem, so I need a small team to infiltrate the factory while the rest of the battalion is being used as a distraction . A team of 7 or so could get in and out some detonates and blow the joint hopefully before we have a lot of casualties." I say looking at the captain now with a sly smile on my face "that's where you will come in, you'll lead the team into the factory. At the same time, I distract the droids and the rest of the Polarians, a Jedi on the front lines will be too much of a temptation to pass up." Pulling up a hologram of the factory we were given, I show Rex the entry points and the path we will set. 

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