Chapter 6: First time Co-leading on Bengal

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"Excuse me, Co-leading the 501st?" 

I look to the council, Annoyed as I stand in the council room; it's been six months since the start of the clone wars. Having been leading the 501st for this long, I have grown close to the troops and have had many successful campaigns and battles. The idea that I need a partner to lead my men is baffling. 

"Anakin Skywalker, a powerful ally he is," Yoda says as I cross my arms and place my hand on my chin. "I have been leading the 501st since the start of the war; we have accomplished many things during that time. Never did we need a second General," I tell them as I look to Cara and Obi-wan, who look at each other then at me. 

"Rysa, Anakin is extremely reckless and hot-headed, Though he is a knight now, leading an entire legion by himself is something he's not ready for," Cara says, making me sigh, knowing she is right. My master is always right. 

"Let him be co-General and lead, but you have a higher rank than him, as well as experience," Obi-wan says, making me sigh again, rubbing my face. 

"I don't have time to babysit Anakin," I say, making Obi-wan raise an eyebrow. "You did say you wanted to spend more time with Anakin, here's your chance." 

"That's not exactly what I meant, Master but I see your point," I say, putting my hands on my hips. "I will co-lead the 501st, but Anakin will need to understand that he has to share; he has a habit of taking over." 

I walk out of the council room still annoyed, taking deep breaths trying to calm my breathing "Rye," I hear behind me, turning seeing Cara, a smile appearing on my face, "Master." 

"I'm sorry for the sudden choice on the matter, but recently Anakin has been getting restless for command though he's still not ready." 

"I know Master, My brother can be a bit dramatic," I say, feeling a familiar presence behind me "ah, Captain, good to see you". 

Cara gives me a knowing look before giving a small hug and walking away making me turn towards my captain. The now Blonde has his painted helmet resting on his hip a smile on his face "Meeting not go according to plan?" 

"No, I have to talk to you," I tell him getting a raised eyebrow but I touch his elbow motioning for him to walk with me. 

"The council thinks it's best that Commander Skywalker join our ranks," I say making him look at me "Well that sounds like good news, you and the commander are close". 

"Yes, but he is promoted to General" 

"So what about you?" he asks shocked now sounded urgent but I feel something else but can't place it.  "I will still be with the 501st but we will be co-leading," I say the smile now faltered. 

"How will that work sir?" He asks but I sigh "not really sure, we'll just have to figure it out as we go". 

We make our way back to the Republic shipyard where the Rest of my men are waiting, I have my hands behind my back seeing Anakin talking to Jesse, Hardcase, Kix, and Dogma. 

"Ani, I see you're getting to know the men," I say the other boys smiling at me "yes, I explained the situation to them, letting them know there will be two of us now". 

"Yes, sir's more Jedi the merrier," Hardcase says the others laughing as I smile a little "Rex, prepare the men for hyperspace"

"Yes sir, you heard the general, move it boys!" the captain says the boys running around as Anakin and I make our way to the bridge "you seem more reserved than usual," he says as I glance at him sighing "I'm sorry, I'm just used to being on my own, I'm nervous in having a whole another person with me". 

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