Chapter 14 "Why kids?"

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Hi guys, sorry it's been a while and I'm sorry for the short chapter, things have been crazy but here we go. - Dawn580

"Why kids?" Fives asks as I pull up a star chart on a holo table based in Hondos Office, now in his main facility. The four troopers gathered around as I stood with my hands leaning on the map with Rex on my left and Hondo on my right.

"Arcadians use the force in ways that the Jedi find unorthodox. The council even deemed them, non-force users," I say pulling up the planet for the group to see. "it can vary from person to person but seem to have the same traits in what people call 'magic' in different parts of the galaxy".

"Why kids?" Fives asks more impatient than the last time as I pull up Faunus's profile with an ugly mug shot. "Faunus has an obsession with children, Arcadians live a lot longer than humans do hundreds if not thousands of years" fives gives a disgusted look as I continue. "Faunus it seems thinks he's a child in a man's body, I'm not sure how old he is but he surpasses everyone in this more by three"

"Faunus takes the kids then sells them at auctions, the kids that don't get bought stay with Faunus, the magic that he uses makes them act differently almost like they forget who they are, the girls always get bought so he mostly has boys.

"How are we going to stop him?" Echo says as his eyes scan holo as I look at Hondo who shrugs throwing his hands into the air "you were the one that told me that you took care of it".

My mouth opens to answer but the words catch in my throat, my eyes meet Rex's who seems to be studying me leaning against the wall with his arm under his other with his and caressing his chin in a way I've seen obi-wan do many times.

"I could have stopped him... Permanently" I sigh, making Jesse speak up "Why didn't you?" Why didn't I? Why didn't I end these horrible excuses as a man? A man that kidnaps children and keeps them for his amusement.

"Jedi are peacekeepers, We don't kill, we protect and serve" I repeat the words I was taught throughout my life. The words Obi-wan has told Anakin and me since we were younglings, Words Cara has told me to help in some way I think treasure herself.

"Rysa" Hondo says in his accent walking to me and putting an arm around my shoulder as I give him a rough look tempted to move his arm. "by not getting rid of Faunus the first time. More children have been abducted, he has halted my operations in the name of ruining his fun and now you are here instead of with your fleet disobeying your orders".

"Can you boys give us the room for a moment" Rex commands. Fives, Echo, Jesse, and Hondo walk out as Hondo grumbles the whole time about getting kicked out of his own office on his planet right as the door slams shut.

Rex leans against the holo table next to me with crossed arms as I look up at him running my hands through my hair tensely.

"I couldn't do it, I had him my lightsaber was moments from his throat and I couldn't do it," I tell him as he watches me, examines my face feeling his thoughts almost through the force of the hundreds of ideas moving around all at once.

"You feel like a coward but you're not, This Faunus as far as you've told us seems like a bad guy but you gave him another chance. He's the one that screwed it up by going back to his old ways". Rex says his eyebrows scrutinized together, the way it does when he's stressed.

"That sounds like something Korva would have said" Rex gives me a sad look as I sigh closing my eyes for a second.

I'm not a coward

Faunus can't hurt me

I can stop him

"Faunus will have another auction, We go in hidden and disguised, and Hondo and his men with distract Faunus's guards. While I take care of Faunus you and the rest of the boys can deal with start rescuing the kids.". A new determination, that's what I feel at the moment, ready to stop this once and for all.

I've been sorry for myself, Guilty that I let this happen again, especially with what happened last time. Guilt is a human emotion that we all feel, I made a mistake I can fix this.

Rex nods but his emotions say otherwise through the force, conflicted feelings wanting to help me but not go against my orders making me smile slightly.

"you were starting to worry me," He says as we exit the room heading through the dimly lit halls back to the main area that could resemble a cantina of sorts. raising my eyebrow I motioned for him to continue, of course, I could tell he was worried but usually, it's not enough for him to voice his opinions.

"you weren't acting yourself, not having a plan also was a dead giveaway," He says quietly as we pass by some of Hondo's men. Grasping my hands behind my back, a small smile on my face, almost a smirk if you would.

"Well, maybe I wanted to try to be Anakin for a change," I say as he chuckles a little making me smile more, my chest fighting slightly as we enter the main room loud music and talking fill the space.

"General Skywalker does have a particular skill set that does drive the need for improvising but the need for strategy and analyzing the situations was always your forte". The captain says to me before finding Jesse sitting next to Echo and Fives who look at me and wave before going back to their drinks.

A warmness creeps onto my face and a grinning smile makes me look down. I rub my face a bit and shake my head, Jedi don't need this, we don't get attached, attachments bring pain and pain brings the dark side.

I stop where I was walking, Korva's bright face and huge smile crossing my mind; the once smile disappearing. Taking a breath and clearing my mind I decided that it was time to start this plan of mine.

Word count: 1059

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