Chapter 11 what more do you want from me

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AN: Hey guys, long time no write; here is a cute little chapter for y'all; it could have been better, but anyways, please like and comment and enjoy the chapter!

I stopped typing on my Data pad for a moment; coming out of my dazed and unfocused state, I was writing and filling out reports. The last couple of missions weren't perfect, but they were still successful. The loss of men is and will be a plague on my mind till the end of the war, but at the moment, there's nothing I can do to stop it. I put my head on my arms, leaned forward, and sighed a little.

A knock on my door made me open my eyes and lift my head; I looked at the time, seeing it was way past the curfew time that Rex had set for the troopers. Even though Anakin and I told him that it's not a big deal if the men stay up late, he feels it would impact their performance. I smile at the memory of our conversation, then stand, moving to the door of my room, and open it, seeing a pair of soft brown eyes.

"Jesse," I smile; the tattooed man smiles, standing outside my door wearing his blacks, looking like he might have been in bed just moments before. Jesse seemed confident when knocking on my door but disappeared when I opened it. Scratching the back of his neck, he looks away, stuttering slightly, "I'm sorry to wake you, General."

"You didn't wake me; I was working on mission reports and filling out contracts for more food and medical supplies." I lean against the door, wearing not my full Jedi Attire but a pair of leggings and a shirt that I would wear under my robes. "Well, the boys and I are playing card games and know the last couple of missions have been rough, so we were wondering if you'd like to join us."

I look down, heat rushing to my face at the idea that this group of men even had the thought of inviting me to their late-night things. Moving to my desk, I shut my datapad and grabbed my robe, wrapping it around me but not tying it down. I exit my room, looking up to the trooper with a smile as he watches me wide-eyed that also seems confused.

"Well, what are we waiting for Tatooine to freeze over? Let's go" Jesse shakes his head as he follows me down the fall, a small laugh escaping his lips. We walked through the corridors of the Resolute; nothing could be heard but the sound of our footsteps and the hum of the ship.


At the sound of his voice, I turn to Jesse, my hands at my back as I slow my pace to match his looking up at him. The man scratches the back of his neck again, feeling his anxieties through the force. "I must warn you, some of the boys have had a few drinks, so they're a little unruly now."

A small chuckle escapes my lips as we finish walking to his and the other boys' quarters, making me look at him. "I'm sure it's not that bad."

The Door slides open, and the chaos ensured is indescribable; music pours out with a bass that I didn't think was possible for such a small speaker that sits on the ground. Poor Echo is in his bed with a pillow over his head, and Kix is dancing to the music, trying to ignore his brothers. Hardcase looked to be shotgunning a keg at this point, and Fives chugged a beer while shooting at a droid head poster on the wall.

"Well, I stand corrected."

As soon as my voice was heard, all four men stood ready, hands at their sides, making me frown slightly. The formalities of command, things I always hated, never enjoyed; these men's respect is fantastic and genuinely cherished, but I shouldn't be given it.

"At ease"

All four relax, but only slightly in my presence; Jesse moves passed me, looking at them astounded that they go to chugging meed this way and destroy the barracks wall, but I'm not.

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