Chapter One

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She isn't avoiding life. Kara Danvers is a scrappy little thing that does not avoid life, or future goals, or especially, her sister. She's simply tired. And it's not because of the lack of sleep from obsessing over shoulda, coulda, woulda's, and it definitely doesn't have to do with the way her eyes keep leaking a salty substance without her consent.

That's all coincidental.

It's definitely not but nobody has to know that.

She has lied to herself so much at this point that she is on the brink of actually believing it.

"I know you're in there! I can still smell the Chinese food lingering in this hall!" Her sister shouts as she pounds a little too hard for Kara's liking against her innocent door.

Poor thing has been so abused lately.

"Awe, come on, baby Danvers, let your sister in before your neighbors call the cops on us and I have to arrest my girlfriend," Maggie chuckles while Kara scowls from her couch because she finds none of this amusing.

Maybe one month ago she would have giggled at the shenanigans annoying her entire building but not tonight. Not after that stupid Instagram post. And most certainly not after the last time her door was wrongly assaulted.

"I've got wine..." Alex sings like this will be the key to unlocking the damn door.

"I've got whiskey," Maggie deadpans.

Kara grumbles, aggressively throwing her blanket from her body that was perfectly coiled into the fetal position. When her fuzzy socks hit the wooden floorboards, she stomps like a moody teenager until she is yanking her door open with all the fury in the world.

"Jeez, easy, you're going to yank that poor door off its hinges," Maggie laughs as she dangles the promised bottle in front of Kara and waltzes right by her.

"You look like shit," Alex says, gripping Kara's familiar hoodie and yanking her into a hug.

"Nice to see you too."

"Isn't this my hoodie?" Alex retorts, resting her chin upon her baby sister's shoulder, even though Kara is just a tad taller. Something Alex will never admit to.

Kara sighs dramatically, forcing her exhausted body to pull away from the comfort of her sister's arms. And it really does take every ounce of strength she can muster up because the only thing in this big wide world that convinces Kara to ever calm down, is her big sister's hugs. "What are you doing here?"

"And look at you, all prepared." Alex blatantly ignores her question and makes herself right at home. Kara sighs again and softly closes her door shut.

"Prepared for what?" She plays along because she knows if she lashes out irrationally, Alex will continue to torture her by withholding valuable information.

"For the flight to Vegas," her sister nonchalantly states. Her sister casually tosses over her shoulder as if Kara has known about this for weeks, like there is some countdown in blood ink on her calendar about this alleged trip to Sin-City. Like they picked out a damn all-inclusive resort months ago.

"Vegas?" She suspiciously growls, sauntering toward her kitchen island where Maggie is already lining up shot glasses and Alex is pulling down wine glasses like that will be their chaser.

She instantly grimaces.

"Don't get all...Kara on us," Maggie says, gesturing wildly to her as if that explains what she is implying. Kara purses her lips and bitterly folds her arms across her chest. "That. Don't be all...that. We," she stresses but her eyes roll toward Alex, instantly pinning her as the culprit, "have just been worried about you and we are trying to help."

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