Chapter Eight

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She's on cloud nine, screw that, she's higher than that. She made a new friend today, then allowed Nia to dress her up like a Barbie doll in all kinds of sexy dresses and they even stopped by that little shop and she purchased a couple of art pieces she's hoping Lena won't reject.

She has Lena's fancy white glowing thing that reminds her of Alexa, but is actually named, Hope. It called her Miss Danvers and she's pretty sure the thing scanned her but it's playing an assortment of her all time favorite songs as she dances around the kitchen, whipping up a dinner she is praying Lena will eventually eat tonight. Even though she has threatened to harass Jess about Lena's eating habits, she hasn't found the guts yet to do so.

She swiftly moves her hips, swaying from side to side as she slides across the floor in her fuzzy socks. She whirls around in front of the stove, snatches her wooden spoon and belts out the chorus.

"I love it when you call me señorita!"

"Is this what I've been missing every night?" Lena's amused voice petrifies Kara to her very core so badly, she throws the wooden spoon at her wife.

Lena is quick to curl into herself and dodge the flying utensil.

"Jeez! You scared the crap out of me!"

Lena flashes a cocky like grin as she sashays further into the kitchen. "Maybe I should come home early more often if this is what you do," she muses, taking Kara's hand into her own and tugging until their bodies collide.

"You should," Kara mumbles incoherently because it's been almost a week since she has seen Lena in daylight and her beauty has literally stolen her breath away.

Her heart is fluttering faster than a hummingbird's wings, desperately seeking Lena's attention. It's still so new and spending a week apart has forced even more distance between them. Yes, she's been cuddling and holding this gorgeous woman every night as she sleeps but this, falling hopelessly into green eyes and not knowing if she will ever land, well, that seems far more intimate. She's completely at a loss for words, puzzled on how to navigate through their budding relationship.

Lena appears just as bewildered and affected, holding her close as they sway gently to the music. Just when the static electricity feels like it might short circuit her brain or the tension might explode in their faces, Lena drifts closer and softly presses her lips to Kara's for the most tentative kiss imaginable.

Kara's a little stunned, okay, she's a useless puddle melted to the floor, especially when Lena brushes her cheek against Kara's and whispers seductively in her ear.

"You say we're just friends but friends don't know the way you taste-la-la-la..."

Kara swallows thickly, hypnotized by the way Lena sways just a little bit more dramatically to steal all of her attention. Something inside her snaps when the tempo picks up and in a haste, she spins Lena around. She runs her hands along Lena's hips and guides her wife to move in sync with her own rhythm. 

As the song sings about lips undressing and a talented tongue, Kara slowly kisses Lena's exposed neck, thanks to her ridiculously high ponytail. She licks a teasing path up the curve of Lena's neck until her wife is squirming beneath her hands. She nips lightly then scrapes her teeth along the wet patch she left behind.

Lena's fingers are instantly in her hair, short nails scratching down to the nape of her neck, generating chills to trickle down Kara's spine. And with Lena's full bottom grinding against her, Kara thinks she might actually combust.

The angry hissing of sizzling chicken is what breaks the spell Kara is sure she was put under. "Oh, shoot," she groans, releasing Lena's hips and fumbling to move the pan off the burner.

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