Chapter Seventeen

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Kara would have bet money that after returning from the states and Lena claiming to have missed her so much after her first day back, that Lena would start coming home from work at a decent hour. However, that hasn't seemed to be the case. In fact, Lena has been so busy with this event to celebrate L-Corp, she's been coming home even later.

Two weeks has gone by in the blink of an eye and Kara has yet to explore London with Lena like she had hoped for. She is still spending most of her time with Nia and at night she reads from Lena's collection just to feel close to her. However, when Lena does come home, sneaking through the penthouse like a thief in the night, she seems more relieved to see Kara. She doesn't worry about waking Kara if she's fallen asleep with her glasses crooked on her nose and a book fallen to her chest. Lena wakes her up with a soft kiss to her lips, slips her glasses off and neatly places them on the nightstand and then slides a bookmark where it belongs.

Once Lena is ready for bed, she drapes her body all over Kara; a head on her chest, a leg tossed over two strong thighs, a sneaky hand slipping beneath a loose shirt to gently stoke the abdominal muscles. And in that moment, Kara always feels so warm, so safe, so content, like nothing bad could ever touch her. She holds Lena tight and silently wishes that nothing ever tears this woman from her arms.

And maybe she wishes her wife could easy up on the work load and spend more time with her.

She's preparing a salad this evening, something she hopes Lena can pack for a lunch tomorrow. It is Saturday and she's hoping Lena will stay home but she won't hold her breath.

That's why she is startled to hear the elevator doors slide open at five o'clock this Friday evening. She furrows her brows in consideration but her hands continue to methodically chop the ingredients, her mouth still humming along to Mariah Carey. She peeks over her shoulder just as Lena rounds the corner.

Kara immediately drops the knife, a small gasp escaping her as she takes in Lena's sparkling smile.

"Oh my god."

"Hi," Lena breathlessly laughs, her cheeks pinched with a shy blush.

"What did you do?" Kara interrogates, her feet scurrying forward with excitement.

"I hate how I'm not here with you. I've been so busy lately and I-it's so unfair to you. I can only imagine how lonely you've been in this foreign country."

"I have Nia." Kara shrugs nonchalantly, her fingers moving all on their own to create a grabby-hand gesture. "Did you really buy me a puppy?" She gushes in some sappy baby voice.

Lena gently passes over the pup, her eyes glistening with a liquid that Kara assumes are happy tears. "I promised you multiple puppies actually in exchange of you not lying on the dirty ground."

Kara giggles, nuzzling against the tiny tan head trying to attack her face with playful kisses. "Oh my god, you're the cutest little thing ever, aren't you?" She babbles, lifting the puppy up to be eye level, so she can inspect just adorable it truly is.

Her bright blue eyes take in the light tan head with a white patch running between the dog's eyes and down its nose. She melts, she can actually feel her heart melting from the big floppy ears that are larger than the puppy's face.

"She's a beagle," Lena informs her, "she's twelve weeks old," she comments, gently running her hand down the tan fur decorating the puppy's back.

"Are we allowed to have dogs here?"

Lena shrugs flippantly. "I'll pay them whatever they want if we aren't."

Kara carefully places the puppy against her chest, holding her so close. "Are you sure about this?"

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