Chapter Nineteen

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"This place is ridiculous," Alex says as she breezes back into the kitchen with Maggie in tow and a little puppy bouncing behind.

"Honestly, Kara, Lena didn't have to do this for us," her mom adds on, "we would have been just fine staying at your place."

"I guess you guys haven't figured out yet that my wife tends to go overboard with just about everything," Kara laughs from where she's perched on a countertop, swinging her feet and showing off the ginormous rock on her hand as evidence.

Maggie whistles. "I could get used to a place like this." Kara nods, her ponytail flopping all around. "So, the event is tomorrow, right?" Maggie questions as she slides up to Kara's side and leans into her.

"Yup. She's been working like around the clock to make sure everything goes smoothly. Her family is coming as well, so you guys will be meeting them."

"And this will be your first public appearance together, right?" Alex clarifies, handing a beer to her wife and sister.

"Yeah, it will be," she replies through a heavy sigh that has all the women in her family exchanging worried glances.

"What's wrong, honey?" Eliza decides to speak first, settling down at the extravagant island in the middle of the kitchen.

"I-I just...I-I'm nervous. That's all."

Alex squints suspiciously at her. "What's really bothering you?"

Kara nibbles on the corner of her bottom lip, her eyes cast down to avoid the scrutiny she is sure to find if she decides to lift her gaze.

"Kara, come on, it's just us," Maggie gently urges her to say something, anything.

"Lena and I...uh...we've been talking, about like the um future and stuff. And I know it's fast and all sorts of crazy but technically we are married and...and we are trying to make this work. We want it to work."

"Okay..." Alex slowly mutters.

"I-I want to do it all again. I want to have a wedding with our families and I don't want public outings to feel fake or forced."

"You think people won't believe you're actually married?" Maggie investigates, her eyebrows bouncing up her forehead.

"I-I don't know," she stammers and then exhales the most annoyed breath. "She doesn't even have a ring."

"So, go buy one," Alex easily answers.

"We were supposed to go together a while ago but she's always so busy."

"I'm sure people won't think anything of it. They will probably assume she proposed and that's that," Maggie tries to reassure her but Kara deflates from the guilt weighing her down.

"It will all work out," Eliza confidently vows, "five minutes in a room with you two and people will be too consumed with your affection toward one another to pay any attention to a ring."

Kara sighs, internally debating with herself on what she should do, yet, her heart already knows the answer.


"You better not pee again in this house," she sternly scolds as she unclips the leash from Leia. "I swear you do it on purpose," she muses, gathering those floppy ears in her hands just to feel how soft they are.

Leia immediately nuzzles against her and she will take that as an apology for peeing on the kitchen floor after Kara had just taken her for a walk.

"Come on, we don't have much time," she babbles to the pup, standing tall and leading the way back toward the kitchen.

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