Chapter Twenty

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Kara had never in her life felt so giddy, so high on life when she woke up the next morning with her wife in her arms. She spent twenty minutes memorizing Lena's peaceful face before dark long lashes fluttered to life and when green eyes met dazzling blue, Lena grinned and slammed her lips against Kara's.

It felt like a dream, really, or some cheesy rom-com that she had spent her entire life admiring and hoping to find a love just as magical. Except, this was real life, her life and she finally realized just how happy she could be once she found the right person. She could now think back on her previous relationship and not feel the twist in her heart or the queasiness in her stomach. Now, she could admit that Mike was never right for her and something beautiful was waiting just around the corner.

She and Lena spent the morning giggling. Their lips were molded into permanent grins and magnetized to one another, constantly kissing and needing to be close. When they eventually made it to the bathroom to shower, they couldn't stop caressing, along with more kisses but never having sex, simply needing to be close. It was far more intimate than sex and Kara found herself falling even more in love with this spectacular woman.

They had a lazy morning, lounging around the penthouse while Lena showed off her own cooking skills, preparing crepes while Kara sat on the counter beside her, appearing like a woman who just won the lottery. Leia laid across Lena's feet, just as desperate for attention and in that moment, Kara was able to paint a picture of their future. She could clearly see those Sunday mornings, music playing in the background, Lena cooking with babies and puppies decorating her feet, wanting to be close to their mother. And she would be there, setting the table, admiring her beautiful family, wondering how on Earth she was so damn lucky?

Lena noticed the far off look in Kara's glistening eyes but she simply shrugged, kissed her wife's cheek and went to set the table like Lena liked.

Lena eventually left the house to prepare for the event, running over every detail and confirming that everything was in order to celebrate L-Corp's expansion overseas. Kara called her family to come by and they spent the day by the pool, discussing how Kara proposed again.

Time seemed to have slipped by and before Kara knew it, Lena was home and they all had to rush to get ready.


The party is in full swing. The band is lively, the bubbly drinks are pouring, the chatter is filled with laughter and Kara is speechless from how proud she is of her wife. Her stunning, elegant wife, encased in a black dress that's off the shoulders, accentuating her voluptuous breasts, mocking Kara's willpower to stay in control and not drag Lena off to a bathroom and express just how sexy she looks tonight.

"I cannot get over how beautiful you look tonight," Lena purrs, snagging two champagne flutes off the tray from a waiter.

"Me? Have you looked in a mirror?" She chuckles, pressing a soft kiss to the smirking lips teasing her.

"Have you?" Lena hums, running her index finger down Kara's chest until she's gripping the lapel of her black blazer and tugging her in closer.

Kara knew she needed something elegant and tasteful for this evening and so she turned to her best friend. Nia is the one who dressed her up in a short, black, pencil skirt with a white lacy top accompanied with a black blazer. Kara decided on pinning her hair into a high, tight bun for the occasion with tiny strands tumbling down to form her face. Apparently, her wife approves.

"Ah, the newlyweds." Kara instantly stiffens from the condescending tone. "Lena, when did you get the ring?" Lex questions, jumping straight into interrogation and bypassing formal greetings.

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