Chapter Six

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She's late. Of course she's late, nobody can get anywhere in the city within twenty minutes. At fifteen minutes past one o'clock, a woman named Jess, escorts Kara to a conference room made up of glass that is far too enormous for just two people sitting inside.

Jess opens the door for Kara and patiently waits for her to shuffle through, even though the woman seems to be frazzled at the moment. Lena's attention is on Kara in a split second, whether she notices, she has to notice, but she doesn't comment on the carry-on Kara is wheeling with a massive duffel bag on top. Lena looks Kara square in the eyes and lifts that immaculate eyebrow. One side of Kara's mouth deepens as she innocently shrugs, persuading the most beautiful smile to blossom across Lena's face.

"Ms. Harrison, can you please give us a moment?" Lena stoically asks, her eyes never leaving Kara's.

The woman nods politely, gathers all her belongings like she knows her presence is no longer needed and exits with Jess in tow. Lena casually stands from a black leather chair and meets Kara near the door. Green eyes dart toward the glass walls and track her employees until they round a corner.


"It looks like I'm moving to London with my hot wife," Kara jokes in hopes to lighten the mood because in reality, she's flipping her entire world upside down; leaving her family and friends behind, quitting her job...

Oh shoot, she needs to call Ms. Grant.

Lena's smile somehow stretches even further. "Have I mentioned you're my favorite person?" She excitedly compliments, pulling Kara into a tight hug.

"I better be, I'm your wife after all." Lena laughs, squeezes her one last time and then slowly pulls away. "I'm sorry I'm late. I-I...something unexpected landed on my doorstep."

Lena worries her bottom lip. "Mike?"

"Yup, apparently, drunk-me likes to brag and I posted a bunch of pictures from Vegas."

"Nothing too incriminating I hope."

"No, really they weren't that bad, there was one of me kissing your cheek in the street-"

"Ah, after I promised you a litter of puppies to get off the ground."

"You promised me a litter of puppies?" Kara practically shrieks.

"Kara, focus, was that the only picture?" Lena demands, her arms folding closely over her chest like she's ready to make a business transaction.

"Oh-um, there was a really cute one with your chin on my shoulder but that's not-and also one of you cupping my chin and kissing my temple. And the rest were pretty innocent. I don't think anyone would speculate, just a jealous ex, maybe."

Lena abruptly stiffens. "Any of the ring? I need to make sure I'm ahead of any rumors before I personally announce our marriage."

"No, no. None at all."

Lena deflates, breathing a sigh of relief. "Good, we can announce on our terms. Now, we really should be going because we are scheduled to depart in a little over an hour."

"Oh, so soon?"

"I'm sorry, I know planes are not your favorite. Would like me to have Jess run out and get you something so maybe you can sleep majority of the way?"

"Oh, no no. I'll be fine, Lena. I just-" and she is interrupted by her phone blaring Basket Case by Green Day. She winces. "My sister," she mumbles before quickly rejecting the call. "She went through a deep punk-rock phase. Now, the plane-" the song starts up again, screaming at her that Alex needs her attention. "Sorry."

What Happens in Vegas...(ends up in London?)Where stories live. Discover now