Chapter Eleven

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It's been one full week, seven days and Kara has yet to show off her fantasy purchases to Lena. She swears Lena comes home later and later each night, leaving earlier and earlier each morning and Kara's positive this woman is going to have a nervous breakdown soon.

Kara has spent her days with Nia, her new best friend. They haven't explored much of the tourist sites because Kara wants to experience them with Lena, so they usually stick to shopping. Kara hasn't used any of the money Lena has left behind every day but she has made more purchases to make her mark on the house. Nia even comes to her house now to tan by the pool while enjoying some cocktails.

She's enjoying her time, no doubt about that but she wishes she could see more of the woman who is supposed to be her new bride.

So, today she decides she's going to visit this so-called wife at her fancy office. Besides, there are some pressing issues that need to be discussed in the light of day and not when Kara's half asleep and can't concentrate on her own words.

When she enters the almost all glass building, there's an enormous grey marble desk in the center, just waiting for people to enter. She nervously steps forward, unsure of where she's supposed to be.

"Welcome to L-Corp, are you here for an interview?" One woman politely inquires while another woman and a very young looking man type away beside her.

"No, I'm not," Kara sheepishly says, thankful that her hands are full with lunch and won't show her fidgeting. "I'm here to see Lena, uh-Luthor."

The woman's blonde eyebrow quirks skeptically. "Do you have an appointment?" She questions, her hands perched on the keyboard, ready to investigate further.

"Um, no, I don't."

"I'm sorry but Miss Luthor-"

"I'm Kara Danvers," she rushes out, hoping that her name might have some weight around here.

Lucky for her it does.

"Oh Miss Danvers, right. Selena," the other woman perks right up, her task immediately abandoned, "this is Miss Danvers, can you please escort her to Miss Luthor's office?"

"Of course," Selena agrees with a broad smile. "Right this way."

"Thank you," Kara shyly says to the blonde and quickly shuffles to follow behind Selena.

Her heels click obnoxiously loud against the marble floors but she's so thankful she dressed as if she was going for an interview today. Everyone so far is dressed to impress and she actually fits in with her burgundy slacks and navy blouse. She quickly follows Selena into an elevator and watches closely as the woman scans a keycard before the elevator moves.

"Um, thanks again for showing me the way. I haven't been here, yet," she says just to fill the void.

"Yes, I haven't seen you. It's lovely to meet you," Selena cordially replies which throws Kara off. She isn't sure if the employees know she's Lena's wife or if they just have instructions to escort her straight to the office upon arrival.

"You as well, Selena." The woman glances in her direction and offers a small smile before watching the numbers climb once again. "Have you worked for L-Corp long?"

"Two months."

"Oh nice, how do you like it so far?" She kindly asks, slightly curious about Lena's company but mostly to simply make small talk.

Except, the woman appears more on edge, scrutinizing every inch of Kara's face as if she doesn't trust her. "L-Corp has been very accommodating and professional," she plainly answers.

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