Chapter Sixteen

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"I'm so happy for you, I'm glad you were able to sit down and talk with your family," Nia says as her feet kick merrily beneath the water, fully enjoying the sun beating down upon them as they take advantage of the tiny pool.

"I mean, I knew they would be amazing about everything, it was just nice to finally figure out who I am."

Nia's head rolls to the side, her cheeks and neck splattered with a warm rosy hue from the sun. She slides her sunglasses down her nose and peeks over the rim to really assess Kara. "I have to say, you seem different too like...more confident, stronger."

"That's because that's how I feel," she excitedly confesses. "I feel like I had this alternate personality that's been dying to come out and she's the person I want to be more like. She's brave and confident and follows her heart."

Nia nods along, her eyes steadily on Kara's to express how serious she is. "I still love the nervous and bumbling Kara Danvers who I first met in the coffee shop though."

"Oh, she's still there," she cheekily replies, earning herself a firm nod from her friend before she slips her sunglasses back into place. "I'm both," she happily concludes.

"Good. So, how were the in-laws?"

"Honestly? It was my first time meeting them."

Nia's sunglasses are immediately yanked to the top of her head as she whips to the side to face Kara better. "What? How is that possible?"

She groans, her body breaking out in a sweat that has nothing to do with the rays her skin is absorbing. "I-I guess I should be honest with you...but please, Nia, I'm begging you, this has to stay between us."

"Of course, Kara, I would never go behind your back."

She nods along, anxiously nibbling on her bottom lip while her mind searches for the right words. There is just no easy way to reveal this insanity.

"So, ummm, two days before we moved here, my sister and Maggie decided that I had been moping around a lot and so they surprised me with a trip to Vegas. I-uh, bumped into Lena, twice, and she invited me to hang out with her and her friends. That, ugh, that was the first night we met."

"You didn't know each other before that night?" Kara bites down even harder on her lip and shakes her head. "And you're married now?" Nia suspiciously inquires.

"Yeah, we kinda got drunk and my idiot self thought it would be so much fun to get married in Vegas."

"So, you two got married in Vegas," her friend slowly drawls as if she's tasting the words upon her tongue.

"Uh-yeah," she sheepishly admits. "And the next morning I panicked and she was so casual about it all and suggested an annulment and then, I don't know, we hung out the rest of the day and I really did like her. She's amazing. Amazing isn't an appropriate word for how perfect she truly is but I don't know, she asked if I wanted to come to London since I was going through so much with my ex back home."

"And so you just packed up and moved across the world for some woman you had known for all of, what? Seventy-two hours?"

"Probably less than," she jokes, shrugging so innocently. "I just-I was thinking about the annulment, I was, this is so not like me, it's the strong and brave one, really. I finally set her free for one night and she went a little crazy." Nia's nose scrunches as her head jerks back in confusion. "Anyways, I was going to get the annulment, at least, I kept telling myself I would and then my ex was at my place when I got back and he was saying all these confusing things and I knew if I didn't escape the damn country right then and there that I would forever be stuck in a loop with him. I knew I would cave and face plant right back into my old bad habits."

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