Chapter Eighteen

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She debated with herself for over an hour, convinced she was crossing a line but she finally caved, her fingers bouncing against her screen before she could talk herself out of it. She texted Jess, asking if Lena ate lunch because something was off with her wife when she left for work this morning. Maybe she was simply tired, maybe she's coming down with something but Lena was definitely quieter than she normally is.

"She won't eat, I've tried several times but she asked me to stop interrupting her."

After she received that text, Kara placed Leia in her crate and bolted right out the door with one destination in mind. She rushed to L-Corp around three in the afternoon and was immediately escorted to Lena's office. When she waltzed into the office like it was her own, she found Lena at her desk, rubbing her temples with her eyes firmly shut.

There was a lot of resistance on Lena's part but Kara refused to take no for an answer when she knew a migraine was corrupting her wife. After twenty minutes of bickering, she finally managed to drag Lena out of the office and home for the day.

When they arrived home, she closed all the drapes to block out all light and guided Lena to their bedroom. She gave her some medicine and then gently massaged Lena's neck and head in the dark until her wife finally passed out. Kara then slipped out of the room, trying to coax their puppy to follow and allow her wife to sleep in peace while she prepared soup for dinner. However, Leia refused to leave Lena's side, so Kara smiled softly at the two cuddling and gently eased the door closed.

It's been four hours of Lena fast asleep. So, Kara decides to check on her wife, tiptoeing into the pitch-black room and cuddling into her back. Lena sleepily hums, scooting further back into Kara's embrace.

"How do you feel, baby?" Kara whispers into her wife's shoulder before delivering a gentle kiss. Lena groans, motivating Kara to massage the base of her skull, pinching some of the tension away. "Maybe you should try and eat something?" Lena nods slowly, burying her face deeper into the pillow. "I'll be right back."

Leia lifts her head, watching closely as Kara exits the room but their puppy never follows her. She quickly prepares a bowl of soup and sneaks back into the room.


Her wife groans, still half-asleep but by some miracle, she scoots up in bed to rest against the headboard. Kara carefully hands over the hot soup, a frown upon her face as she watches her wife struggle. Lena is ghostly white, even in the dark room Kara can see how pale she is. Those dark locks are wavy and wild, tumbling around her shoulders and Kara tries to comprehend how this woman is still so gorgeous.

Leia doesn't appreciate the lack of human contact, so she moseys across the bed and collapses in Kara's lap. She doesn't hesitate to shower the pup with affection.

"Do you still have a migraine?" She cautiously whispers.

"More like a dull headache now," Lena grumbles, blowing gently on the steaming soup.

"I could get you more aspirin."

"Maybe later," Lena mumbles before a small bite. Kara nods along and decides not to speak just in case it agitates her wife's sore temples. "I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier."

"Oh no, Lena-"

"No, I fought you about coming home early but you were right, I need to know when to step back from work."

"Lena, you hardly snapped at me. You were cranky and suffering from a migraine, trust me, I didn't take it personally," she chuckles softly, scratching behind Leia's floppy ears.

"Still, I'm sorry."

"Forgiven," she beams brightly, drifting closer with her lips puckered, persuading Lena to meet her halfway for a quick peck. When Kara pulls back, Lena stares mindlessly into her soup, her spoon numbly pushing the ingredients around. "Do you not like the soup?"

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